Women's Membership

 Join other like-minded positive women 
 who are creating more daily joy,
manifesting more abundance,
and improving their lives

Women's Joyful Abundance
Membership Only 19.96 A Month


These women are overriding old
patterns of thinking like

  • stressing, feeling anxious, 
    expecting the worst, fixating
    on judgments of ourselves,
    others, or unwanted

  • being overwhelmed,
    confused, procrastinating,
    putting off our dreams or
    feeling good
    until later 

  • living with shame, guilt,
    scarcity mentalities, and
    limiting beliefs 

  • feeling alone, unsafe,
    not good enough, unworthy, 
    unsupported, unloved,

  • taking things personally,
    being a sponge for others
    negativity, being stopped by
    perfectionism, being triggered
    by challenges, others
    actions, moods,
    or opinions

We meet once a month for a 90-minute
Joyshop where you'll be guided into a
hypnosis meditation and learn
self-hypnosis to effortlessly override
the negative thinking and bring
out your best.

You can attend live or listen to the
replay in audio or video format.

You'll get a replay so you can get
practice the tools, and listen to
the hypnosis meditation to melt
away more resistance, and
get further benefits.

Use your 30-minute private session to
get relief and clarity with a challenge,
problem or issue.

  • When Cara's brother died instead of
    feeling pain and suffering she 
    able to 
    tap into the beauty and
    connect with him

    Imagine despite the messiness of life
    being able to enjoy it more?

    When Krystle got laid off from her job
    she shared she was able to go to a
    place of positive expectations instead
    of, like in the past, feeling stressed
    anxious and panicked 

    Imagine despite the twists and turns of
    life being able to stay positive and
    expect good things?

In The Monthly Joyshop You
Just Let Go, Relax, And Soak Up The
Higher Truths And Positive Expectations

You'll practice self-hypnosis tools to
let of resistance, and feel
good, so you become your own
hypnotist for positive changes

This is a gym membership for your
mind to keep your positive thinking
in shape and build up your strength,
resiliency, and flexibility

Life will be messy, you will have
problems and challenges

Imagine being able to stay
centered and peaceful no matter what

To be able to turn the challenges 
into the beauty and evolution
they call you to

My Story

I struggled big time

Since 2006 I've supported over
1000's of clients.

I've helped them get happier, improve
their mental and physical health,
overcome bad habits, addictions,
scarcity mentalities and positively
change their lives using the
potent tool of hypnosis

I became a hypnotist to help others
end their pain and suffering because
I know how crippling living in
fear, worry, and stress
can be. 

I've been there. And I've
seen my loved ones suffering.

I have experienced
conventional methods
like therapy, drugs, and
alternative methods,
fail to deliver results.

In my 20's and 30's
negative patterns of 
thinking were common
for me 
and brought me
lots of physical and
mental suffering.

 At different times I suffered
from social anxiety, panic
attacks, binge eating, and

I had migraine headaches,
allergies, asthma, back issues,
fibromyalgia symptoms, and
colon and stomach

I was a wreck. But now I
have a comfortable healthy
body and mind and only
temporarily suffer.

I became a hypnotist because
I wanted to help others break
free of their limiting patterns
and beliefs because I have
felt the pain of holding 
myself back.

My limiting beliefs held me
back from living fully and
freely and going after
my dreams.

Like thinking I was too
clumsy to do yoga or too
tone death to learn to
play the guitar because
of others' comments.

I started doing yoga and
it is 
a beautiful part of my
that has blessed
my body.

I learned to play guitar
and back up my girls
fiddle songs and got
a lot of pleasure from
doing that.

I became a professional
storyteller and told
my original tales
despite my speech

I learned to do
things like fire dancing,
yikes, that surprised me.
It gave me more 
confidence and 
was a lot of fun.

And  I created a business
I love and am passionate

I want everyone to be happy,
healthy, and live their lives
joyfully, fully, and freely

Sheryl wasn’t making money
her business, she was
working three jobs to make
ends meet, felt often like
a failure, and had lots of
 worries about the future

Sheryl's Testimonial

I don't want you to suffer

And though challenges are a
given part of the human
condition, suffering can be
very temporary and optional.

You can be happier, live more
freely and authentically
and manifest more of what
you want.

I know consistent support is
 incredibly valuable. And the
membership can be an
affordable way to have that.

Challenges will keep coming
and I want you to have the help
there, so you can thrive and be at
your best no matter what comes
your way.

I want you to have resources on
hand to feel good. What I know is
being able to address issues in
real-time is a game changer.

One small perspective shift
can positively change the course
of your life and stop you from
getting off on a bad

We never will get
it done. And that is part
of the fun. There will always
be new frontiers to move

I would love to support you in
 taking things further so you can
live an extraordinarily happy life

The Joyful Abundance Momentum
Membership Can Help You Thrive 
No Matter What Comes Your Way

  • going through a divorce or
    bankruptcy, losing a loved one

  • building your dream home,
    growing a business, being a 
    parent, changing jobs

  • being an empty nester and
    finding new purpose

  • moving, writing a book,
    dating again 

  • dealing with a health
    condition, becoming a
    caretaker for a family

  • pursuing new goals,
    manifesting dreams,
    improving yourself

  • inflation, pandemics,
    relationship issues,
    work challenges

"My life is the best it's ever been." Courtney
"It's magic ..." says Krystle



Try It Out For Only
19.96 Per Month, Cancel 

Women's Joyful Abundance Membership
Only 19.96 A Month



We meet once a month for a 90-minute
Joyshop where you'll be guided into a
hypnosis meditation and learn
self-hypnosis to effortlessly override
the negative thinking and bring
out your best.

You can attend live or listen to the
replay in audio or video format.

You'll get a replay so you can 
practice the tools, and listen to
the hypnosis meditation to melt
away more resistance, and
get further benefits.



  Free No-Obligation
Take advantage of this free
gift to get extra support

-Release a limited belief

-Soak up positive suggestions

-Leave with more clarity

Then if desired, learn about
my Mastery Of Joy packages
designed to accomplish
your goals & dreams

Click below to schedule your Free Session