Mastery of Joy Mental Well-Being Package

In this nurturing
empowering package you'll
go through a step-by-step
proven system to get results

Imagine if

  • Your most dominant experience was feeling good

  • A good night sleep came easily

  • You thoroughly enjoyed your work, play, family, friends, and blessings

  • When issues, challenges, or decisions cropped up you went to positive expectations, followed by solutions, clarity, and answers

  • You were the best of who you are, appreciative, joyful, brilliant, creative, and wise


Turn your struggles 
into knowledge, clarity,
well-being, and zest for life




Courtney and Helen talk about how they moved from 
mental pain and suffering and 
found their joy again





" entire adult life was based ... around ... one ... thought: I was worthless. It ... began to change when I went to see a hypnotherapist... she told me over and over again how wonderful I am.  She encouraged my writing, the changes I needed to make, ... gave me a new belief in myself ... I have ... learned that I am a contributing, amazing woman to this world ... let go of the negative and replace it with love..."
Shannon Wolfinbarger



 " Wow!!! The 3-month Immersion Package has been phenomenal ... I ... had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the  "now" ... My relationships with family members have ... improved ... It is good to be alive again and wake up with a smile on my face!  ... I am totally amazed, thankful, grateful & appreciate all that has happened to me through Sharon's ... Package! ...  I am whole again & at peace with myself! "Life is good!"   
Marie McLaughlin 
 "… We talked to our daughter today and in the 29.7 years she has been on this planet, I’ve never heard her more grounded, more joy-filled, more relaxed, sensitive and ALIGNED. WOW.  We (She, my husband, and I) think the hypnosis was transformational. "
Marilyn Rich


"... Wow, I need to thank you for EVERYTHING..!  This week has been the BEST week ever ... haven’t cried or given much thought to my ex. … Life has put a smile on my face and I am so grateful for EVERYTHING... Thank You” for helping my life move forward. I can’t help but brag about you all the time. THANK YOU..!!!!! … "
Cortney Neilsen

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Mastery Of Joy Package
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Mastery Of Joy Package
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Mastery of Joy Package

"I initially came to Sharon...
to be less controlling and free
myself of expecting the worst.
Both habits brought fears
and anxieties that ...
stopped me from
appreciating and
enjoying ... life.

Leaving behind fears and
worries, especially about the
future, changed everything.
I love how it all came full
circle and other parts of
my life came together too.


Family relationships are
better.Instead of feeling
guilty, fearfulor critical, I
can support and love them
instead, with results of
feeling more peaceful and
having healthier boundaries.


I can go places and feel
comfortable with new
people.  Before I started
sessions and workshops
I didn’t socialize.
I felt socially awkward.
Now I am friendly and
spontaneous, have more
friends, and feel more
comfortable and free to
do what makes
me feel good.


I used to have and
with my bodyand food.
By letting go of the fears
and judgments, I now
do more to take care of
myself, like walks
and working out at
the gym, and eating in
balance, plus I feel so
much better about myself.


Now, I don’t take things
so personally. For instance,
when family or anyone has
strong opinions I don’t
agree with, I can listen
to them without it affecting
my life negatively.
It is so freeing.


I don’t fixate and worry
about others choices
so much anymore.
And when I do, I use the tools
I’ve learned in sessions
and workshops to come
back to a good feeling place.


Now when life happens,
like unforeseen accidents
or unexpected events,
instead of it throwing me
into panic or a place
of suffering, I’ve proven
I can be peaceful,
really be supportive by
imagining good things, and
just know when to step
back, or move forward
with positive actions
that feel right to me.


Life can be so easy.
Life is easy, when you
let go of the worry, fear
and judgments.


I'd like to tell everyone,
sign-up for Sharon’s workshops
or do her immersion packages!


Life can be so different.
It is so worth investing
the time and money
on. I can’t even begin
to tell you how grateful
I am."

Donna Sevilla
Garden Valley, ID


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How Hypnosis Can
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