Mastery of Joy Love Your Body, Love Yourself Package

In this nurturing deeply
healing package you'll go
a step-by-step
system to
get results


This package is designed
for you if you want to

  • Feel comfortable in your
    body and good about

  • Experience a healthy
    relationship with food
    and a loving relationship
    with your body 

  • Make mindful choices
    that truly satisfy, nurture
    and bless your life

  • Pull up emotional roots
    that contribute to bad habits
    like binging, overspending,
    and drinking too much

  • Release the stress,
    anxieties, and beliefs that
    weigh you down and trigger
    bad habits and feelings like
    shame, guilt, and not good

  • Access and act on your
    wisdom, follow your inner
    guidance, and live your life
    more freely and fully

The package is made for you
if you want to 
feel beautiful
unconditionally, and are
eager to walk away with
healthier mindsets and 
habits, and be happier

It is not a buns of steel, rock
-hard abs, 
or beach body in
30 days program.

We won't be focusing on
diets, calorie counting, or 
weighing yourself.

We will be focusing on 

self-love and truly
nurturing yourself.

It is not designed to lose
weight at any cost.

The deep healing that
takes place from attending
sessions and listening to
the daily meditations will
result in feeling more light,
joyful and free with lots of
ripple effects in all areas of

your life.

"I am down 5 pounds
now in about a

... I have been
knocking off
projects around
the house that I
have been putting
off for months.
Years even.

Can’t figure it

I seem to have
derived more
benefit than I
might have
expected from
just one

Jacque Ledbetter
Garden Valley, ID


"...  I am so grateful that ... I continue to
feel a 
positive shifting at my core
and a release from 
self-judgment: ...
behaviors I judged myself about are

releasing ... like eating junk food, 
watching TV,
procrastinating on projects, ...

I am doing things instead that
feel good, 
like ... taking a sculpture
class that I am totally loving, 
exploring my city, going on joyful
adventures with my son,
taking a mini-vacation
with my husband ...

I have more 
energy ...
doing what 
really feels good...

I feel more loved and 
of others' opinions... "

Lynda Modaff

Common sentiments clients
have shared

I feel comfortable in my own skin

What a relief to be free of
old childhood hurts, unkind
voices of the past, and others
opinions or damaging beliefs

Family relationships have
improved, my confidence and
self-esteem have rocketed up

 I didn't realize I was carrying
 so much guilt and shame,
 it's wonderful to be free of it

What a relief to be free of the
the mentality of deprivation, 
pain, and suffering

This has given me so much
than I could have

Contact Me For A Free 
Consultation by Zoom
Or Phone And Explore
How Hypnosis Can
Support You

Packages can be tailored
uniquely for you


Click Here To Listen To Courtney
And Helen Share Their 
Journey Of Loving Their Bodys'
and Selves