Spring Sale For Packages
 Thinking of signing up for a package? Signup Soon To Take Advantage Of The Spring Package Specials Or email me and will schedule a time to chat and design a spring package special that works for your budget, time, and goals svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Your accommodating brain loves to find thoughts along the same lines you're thinking.
Use this information to your advantage to make feeling good easier to get to.
If you're thinking thoughts that feel good, bask, enjoy, and savor them. Then notice how your brain finds more feel-good thoughts.
If your thoughts are bringing bad feelings notice how your brain finds more thoughts along the same lines.
Use this information to redirect to thoughts, to the best of your ability, that bring softer, lighter, and better feelings.
Do this again and again and again and again and again, again!"
The Joy Energy
 I feel so good right now. But earlier this morning negative thoughts kept popping up.
I used a technique I often use, to stop myself from giving these negative thoughts more energy.
I stepped outside myself, so to speak, and imagined I was a loving friend channeling sage advice to myself. "Now, Sharon," I kindly said, "Do you really want to spend time hanging out here? Remember what it leads to, more negative thoughts and awful feelings." I allowed myself to feel the kindness and love and was able to get clear that I did not want to continue on that path.
Because I practice this technique a lot and had caught myself early on this morning before my negative thoughts really took hold, I was able to get back on track and feeling good within minutes. Yay!
If you want support and have a desire to go way deeper check out my Spring Specials on Hypnosis packages. One week left to signup. I will support you in feeling good more of the time and help you live and create the life you truly want.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Latest Joyshot
Simple Technique To Turn Your Mood Around
 This technique works best when you catch your negative mood in the beginning before it escalates
Spring Sale On Select Packages
Or Email Or Text Me To Set Up A Time To Chat To Design A Spring Special Package That Fits Your Time, Budget, And Goals
208 860-7811

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"... I don’t fixate and worry about others choices so much anymore. And when I do, I use the tools I’ve learned in sessions and workshops to come back to a good feeling place..."
Donna Sevilla
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