Spring Sale For Packages
 Thinking of signing up for a package? Check out these package specials Or email me and will schedule a time to chat and design a spring package special that works for your budget, time, and goals
"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
If you find yourself fixating on negative trains of thought, welcome to the human race. Remind yourself you're willing to feel good no matter the unwanted circumstance or how justified you feel to feel bad, then try a positive distraction. Maybe you watch an uplifting movie, try out a new recipe, do a change of scenery and go for a walk somewhere new, play with your dog, or get engaged in a project. Something to engage your mind and distract you from thinking of more negative thoughts. "
The Joy Energy

I found myself going to lots of negative tracks of thinking this week stimulated by an event. Thoughts of negative judgment toward myself, and others, feelings of lack, and sadness. I was all over the place.
I know feeling good not only feels good but makes my life go better. Thoughts of appreciation and love bring out my best, it is an ideal state for my body's well-being and they allow me to be joyfully present and give to others.
So I reminded myself I want to feel good. I'm willing to think differently to get there.
One of my favorite tools to stop my brain from finding more like-minded negative thoughts is a positive distraction. And visiting my granddaughters and my daughter often is ideal for that.
I got to spend a day and a half with them, and I came back home feeling peaceful and refreshed.
On the drive to visit them, I thought of how I wanted to feel. I want to feel loving, playful, curious, and joyfully awake.
My granddaughter's focus is on having fun, so I hopped on board.
Other healthy distractions I have tried to stop fixating on negative thinking are- finding a new place to walk, making a new recipe, playing with my dog, and visiting a friend. It either brings softening of my mood and takes me in a better direction, or sometimes it gives me complete relief.
Experiment and try it out for yourself. Do it again and again and again as needed.
Want more help? Check out the latest Joyshot, a 20-minute guided hypnosis meditation to feel good.
And if you want to go deeper I have some Spring Specials on Hypnosis packages.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Latest Joyshot
Be Willing To Feel Good Guided Hypnosis Meditation
If you don't have the intent or willingness to feel good your happiness will be fleeting Be willing to feel good so you can turn challenges and unwanted conditions into opportunities

Spring Sale On Select Packages
Or Email Or Text Me To Set Up A Time To Chat To Design A Spring Special Package That Fits Your Time, Budget, And Goals
208 860-7811

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"... I don’t fixate and worry about others choices so much anymore. And when I do, I use the tools I’ve learned in sessions and workshops to come back to a good feeling place..."
Donna Sevilla
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