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"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
If you have a heavy heart, feel anxious or afraid, remember you're not alone, Source/God/Spirit is there for you to give you comfort and relief.
Now isn't the time to judge, analyze or figure things out, the comfort is there, the pain will pass, feel open to the possibility!
Take some more deep sigh breaths and imagine you feel comfort, softness, and lighter energies coming from that Higher Power. Do this again and again for relief. "
The Joy Energy

When my Dad died in the first month after, I had days of intense pain that felt so overwhelming and all-consuming I couldn't see how living was possible, it felt like I'd never feel good again.
Miracles came for me. And I believe they are there for you too. I felt Source/Universe's Divine support and help.
I called a friend when I was feeling low but ended up talking with her husband instead. It turned out to be such a gift. Not too long ago he had one of his parents pass. He helped me to remember the intense pain was normal but wouldn't last and he helped me feel peaceful about all the negative thoughts and feelings I was going to that week. It brought compassion for myself and my siblings.
The night before my Dad's wake, I felt awful, like I wanted to die to end my suffering. But another miracle came I was flooded with peace, oh my, what a special beautiful gift, I was able to fall into a deep sleep enveloped in well-being and love.
At his graveside ceremony, I was hit again with all-consuming pain, but support came again, I was flooded with well-being and peace, from what I believe was my Angelic Dad. I was so thankful.
You're not alone, God/Source/Infinite Intelligence/Spirit is there for you too. Be open and willing to receive.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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208 860-7811

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"... I don’t fixate and worry about others choices so much anymore. And when I do, I use the tools I’ve learned in sessions and workshops to come back to a good feeling place..."
Donna Sevilla
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