"Hello, Beautiful Sharon, 

Let of the worries, fears, and pressures. Why? Because it feels good! And it is an open-allowing state where you'll receive your answers, solutions, and help "

The Joy Energy

It feels good to feel good! Plus, it makes your life work better!

Letting go of the fears, anxieties, and pressures will feel good and make your life work better. 

I'm not talking about pushing your fears and anxieties off to the side, where they become a hidden bomb ready to go off when triggered. 

Nor am I talking about drinking your troubles away, or dousing them with a sugar high, or escaping from the uncomfortable feelings by binge-watching YouTube videos.

I'm talking about meeting those negative thoughts and feelings with love, and using them to guide you, to keep you safe, and steer you to different perspectives that bring you comfort, relief, and softer lighter thoughts.

If you got too close to a red-hot burner, you would be guided to back away, hopefully, before you got burned. Let your negative emotions do the same.

Fear can guide you to take action, like moving out of the way of a car barreling towards you.

Fear can also guide you to lighter softer perspectives and good feelings.

If a child was afraid of monsters, you probably would offer up different perspectives in hopes they would feel relief. Let your negative emotions guide you to the softer lighter perspectives too.

Why should we shift our perspective to feel good? 

Feeling good

  • turns off survival mode, it allows you to focus on the life you want to live
  • is an ideal state for your brilliant body to heal
  • is a resilient adaptable state that isn't reactive or easily triggered
  • is an allowing state where you receive your solutions, support, and help
  • feels good and allows you to enjoy the journey
  • brings more feeling good thoughts

Enjoy my latest YouTube Video, Let Go, Trust In The Universe, to help you shift your perspective and feel good!

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


P.S. Let me help you let go, and claim the healthier, happier life you desire! Check out my
Mastery of Joy Packages
YouTube Hypnosis Videos
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Calling You To Joy Live Online Support Every Sunday

Blessings And Love


Let Go, Receive Divine Support Guided Hypnosis Meditation



Mastery Of Joy Packages

Why Go It Alone? Get Expert Help. Make Your Health and Well-being A Priority!

Fast Forward The Relief And Positive Changes You Desire

" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" Marie McLaughlin

"... my number yesterday was 162 and the normal for muscle elevation is 130! I WOULD SAY THAT IS A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE… Thank you for EVERYTHING..!… "
Cortney Nielsen


Free Live Online Support  22-minute Call To Joy every Sunday

Release fears and blocks

Click on this link to learn more and sign up to attend

 Calling You To Joy 

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America