"Hello, Beautiful Sharon, 

You can feel good even when facing unwanted realities. This means that feeling bad is temporary and changeable. Remember, feeling good is not only the ideal state for the body to heal but also a beautiful flow state to access your wisdom and higher perspectives. Best of all, it allows you to truly enjoy life. Prioritize shifting your thoughts to feel good and make it a priority. It's so worth it!"

The Joy Energy

Not everything in life will go as wanted. Unexpected conditions will arise.

Last month, I faced several unwanted events: a friend's passing, my daughter canceling a planned activity, a higher-than-expected IRS tax bill, and a spotty internet connection resulting in unusable recordings for my YouTube channel.

I have a choice: I can dwell on these unwanted conditions and feel down, or I can change my perspective to find positivity.

What I know is, that feeling good works better, it allows me to productively move forward, and enjoy life.

For example, this month, despite internet issues preventing me from producing usable recordings for my Calling You To Joy YouTube podcast, I made a conscious decision to focus on feeling good.

Although I initially felt frustrated by the poor quality of the recordings and my inability to meet my weekly episode commitment, I chose to make the best of the situation.

Instead of struggling against what I couldn't change, I accepted it and explored alternative options.

I used the time to create more YouTube shorts from existing material and found joy in planning future podcast videos.

If you're looking for more guidance on letting go and feeling good, consider checking out the resources below.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


P.S. Experience more joy and well-being, and claim the healthier, happier life that awaits you!
Schedule a free consultation to learn how a Mastery Of Joy Package can transform your life! Or enjoy
my gifts to you: YouTube videos and Calling You To Joy every Sunday

Mastery of Joy Packages


YouTube Hypnosis Videos

YouTube Shorts To Regroup, Recenter, And Feel Good

Women's Membership

Calling You To Joy Live Online Support Every Sunday

Blessings And Love


Stop Procrastination 

Why do you procrastinate? It isn't because you're lazy or lack willpower, it is most likely an emotional issue or belief you haven't addressed yet. Use the powerful self-hypnosis breathing technique in this video to unlock your full potential and stop procrastinating


Let Go, Receive Divine Support Guided Hypnosis Meditation

Surrender to the Universe/God/Source and allow in Divine support, in this guided hypnosis meditation.
Let this recording help you release the need to do it all on your own, and build up your faith and trust in the infinite support there for you!



Mastery Of Joy Packages

Why Go It Alone? Get Expert Help. Make Your Health and Well-being A Priority!

Fast Forward The Relief And Positive Changes You Desire

" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" Marie McLaughlin

"... my number yesterday was 162 and the normal for muscle elevation is 130! I WOULD SAY THAT IS A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE… Thank you for EVERYTHING..!… "
Cortney Nielsen


Free Live Online Support  22-minute Call To Joy every Sunday

I invite you to join me for a 

In our practice, we always aim to focus on feeling good, no matter what challenges we might be facing.
However, I understand that some days, finding that inner peace can feel like an uphill battle.

Each week I give you tools to release the stress, fears, blocks, and worries.

This is your time to relax, let go, and connect up with softness, well-being, infinite intelligence, and love.
Then if you'd like you can stay after, turn on your video and audio, and get extra love and support.

Click on this link to learn more and sign up to attend

 Calling You To Joy 

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America