"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Instead of analyzing your way out of a bad mood or problem, meet yourself with unconditional love. Then look for thoughts that give you relief and make you feel better. From a place of calm, you can receive guidance, clarity, and inspiration."
The Joy Energy
I can be analytical and when I focus on my fears and anxieties I add insult to injury by trying to think my way out of my suffering.
This overthinking lands me in trouble because I'm not in a clear-headed space to call forth clarity and brilliance and I end up feeling worse.
My first priority now is to feel better first.
I might meet my fears with silliness, distraction, or unconditional love.
I try not to make them a big deal because then I end up adding more intensity to my uncomfortableness.
I'll remind myself my anxious thoughts are passing through and lighter softer thoughts await me and they will serve me better.
My granddaughters help me remember these truths and have been my teachers.
When they have the occasional outburst or sibling squabble and I unrealistically expect to reason with them, it makes things worse.
Just like me when I escalate into a negative frenzy, they are not in a state to listen to reason.
So if I lecture them that sharing with their sister and being kind will serve them better it generally falls on deaf ears.
The situation calls for relief. I have used humor or distraction with good effect and seen their good humor come back.
But if the negative momentum has built up in intensity, humor, and distraction don't usually work.
I do my best to keep them safe, prevent any destruction of property, and just hold a space of unconditional love.
Their mom has taught them lots of tools for working things out.
When I let go of lecturing or judging their emotions or behavior and hold a loving space for all parties, it usually plays itself out a lot more quickly, and the intensity disappears. Then they can hear reason again or access their own problem-solving genius.
I have been impressed so many times by how my grandkids can work out their problems or come up with creative solutions so both of them are satisfied.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."

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"... My worry, anxiety, and even frustration over my block(s) around my issue were lovingly cradled and, literally, rocked to sleep with the sound and vibration of Sharon's voice.
In the days, weeks and months to come, I continued to replay the recording ... over and over again, still feeling the wonderful, magical, effects..." Heidi Smith
Check out the latest videos released this week
I figured out how to create YouTube shorts, 60-second or less, videos, Yay!
It is normal to be imperfect
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There is no better time than now, to feel better, and bring out your best self

"Sharon has an incredible gift! In a short period of time, she extracted enough information to identify where I was struggling.
After our initial session, I felt incredibly "free"...
I had an intense wave of joyful emotion occur as I felt lighter, stress-free, yet more in control.
She was so respectful of my boundaries and feelings ..."
Crystal D. Smith

"... Leaving behind fears and worries, especially about the future, changed everything. I love how it all came full circle and other parts of my life came together too..."
Donna Sevilla
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