Last Day For Spring Sale-45 & 90-minute sessions
 Thinking of doing sessions? Now is the time!
Latest Releases On YouTube This Week- Unlock Your Creativity & Joyfully Let Go
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Take time throughout your day to focus on the blessings and comforts in your life. When you do you're more likely to - be inspired to take action, make good decisions, feel more physical comfort, receive answers, allow in your abundance, heal better, get a good night's sleep, be creative, and enjoy your life."
The Joy Energy

I woke up with intense physical discomfort on my left side and I had trouble walking. The pain had my attention and I couldn't seem to focus away from it.
At first, I started to analyze "What the heck did I do to bring on this?" Then I remembered, feel good first, and then let the answers come.
I searched for comforting thoughts to feel better.
I reminded myself that I had had physical discomfort before and it had left quickly. That made me feel hopeful.
I told myself if you're going to make things up imagine something good, so I imagined it was my body working things out on my behalf and this discomfort was just balancing and healing taking place in my body. That felt really good. The pain was still there but I felt optimistic.
Then and an idea came to do weed whacking.
Within minutes I've trimming weeds and grass I was so engaged and focused on my task I didn't give any attention to the pain. When I finished I noticed some discomfort was there but I trusted it would be gone soon. I went about my day and continued to redirect from uncomfortable thoughts to softer ones. By that evening all pain was gone. Yay, to feeling good.
I invite you to play around with refocusing from your complaints or discomforts to thoughts that feel lighter, softer, and more optimistic and note your results.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."

Last Day for Spring Sale-45 & 90-minute sessions
lock in the low price, Schedule your session in June
Thinking of doing sessions? Now is the time!
Click here to purchase your 45-minute or 90-minute session
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"... My worry, anxiety, and even frustration over my block(s) around my issue were lovingly cradled and, literally, rocked to sleep with the sound and vibration of Sharon's voice.
In the days, weeks and months to come, I continued to replay the recording ... over and over again, still feeling the wonderful, magical, effects..." Heidi Smith
Check out the latest videos released this week
Joyfully Let Go

Unlock Your Creativity

YouTube shorts- 60-second or less
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There is no better time than now, to feel better, and bring out your best self

"Sharon has an incredible gift! In a short period of time, she extracted enough information to identify where I was struggling.
After our initial session, I felt incredibly "free"...
I had an intense wave of joyful emotion occur as I felt lighter, stress-free, yet more in control.
She was so respectful of my boundaries and feelings ..."
Crystal D. Smith

"... Leaving behind fears and worries, especially about the future, changed everything. I love how it all came full circle and other parts of my life came together too..."
Donna Sevilla
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