It has come to my attention for some reason the rough draft of my newsletter was sent out on Wednesday without the new video links or changes. It probably didn't read very well and the new videos were missing ( Videos-See the World from A Perspective Of Love, Discover the Secrets to a Vibrant life-Self-Hypnosis Unleashed)
In joy, Sharon
"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
It is a loving non-judgmental benevolent loving God/Universe that sees the best of who you are, and that knows your wholeness. Take a deep sigh breath and feel the space and openness of unconditional love.
The Joy Energy

Negatively judging ourselves feels awful.
Feeling fearful, scared, worried, and hopeless feels awful too.
So most of us have developed go-to patterns of thought to help lift the judgment away from ourselves so we can feel better.
You feel powerless because you can't pay bills or fix a problem and find yourself ranting about greedy corporations or your neighbors who play their music too loud and ruin your peace.
You're fearful about a health condition for yourself or a loved one and find yourself thinking angry thoughts about corrupt politicians or unethical insurance companies.
Or one of your children is struggling and you think of how her teacher is incompetent and failing your child. Or you rant about how the whole school system is working against you and your child.
Blaming and judging others or outside conditions does feel better than feeling hopeless, out of control, or like a failure. But they fall short of the much better feelings that await you.
In the long run, these patterns of thought will leave you feeling like a victim, and will not bring you the deeper feelings of well-being you crave.
Instead, if you can turn your thoughts towards- what is going right, feeling appreciation, softer lighter empowering thoughts, and higher perspectives, you will experience more of what you truly want.
Like taking inspired actions, finding clarity, solutions, and answers, experiencing satisfaction and appreciation, and receiving comfort, healing, health, peace of mind, and joy.
Plus, life will go better for you. Check out the videos below to support you!
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
See The World From A Perspective Of Love
Sleep Hypnosis Mediation With Theta Music To Help You Go Deep
Be Happier, Turn Off Your Victim Thoughts, And Tune Into Love

Discover the Secrets to a Vibrant Life: Self-Hypnosis Unleashed
Supercharge your self-hypnosis tool, to override negative patterns of thought, and live an engaging life

Spend your money and make time for things that truly bless and give back to you
Deep Positive Change Mastery Of Joy Packages
Read Written Testimonials-Releasing Alcoholism, Being Happier, Stopping Smoking, Improving Health, Overcoming Social Anxiety, Releasing Stress, Worry, The Heaviness Of The Past ...

Listen To Video Testimonials- Improving Health Conditions, Losing Weight, Overcoming Phobias And Scarcity Beliefs, Improving Relationships, Accomplishing Dreams
"... I had my blood tested yesterday to get ... proof of your healing gift ... [to] show my doctor that things were dramatically improving ..." Cortney Neilsen
" ... the money flows ... the ideal clients are here ... my relationships have grown deep and healthier ... I look at money differently... it's all just joy ... opened my heart wider and mind to different possibilities..." Joanne Sapers
Call or email for a free consultation or choose from one of my packages on my website

Listen To Audio Testimonials - Lisa shares how hypnosis helped her beat alcoholism
"It was effortless [to stop smoking] ... attract better men, better situations, better jobs ...."
"... Eventually, I was able to quit taking most of the drugs we thought I had to take to control the disease, as well as quit the painkillers..." Dan Wilson
0 % interest on payment plans
Limited Risk Policy
3-Month Package If after one month it doesn't feel right for you, I will prorate and refund the next two months 6-Month If after two months it doesn't feel right for you, I will prorate and refund the next four months Year-Package If after four months it doesn't feel right for you, I will prorate and refund the next eight months
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel SvensonHypnosis
for free hypnosis meditations, to get your questions answered about hypnosis, or learn the transformative tool of self-hypnosis
