Hello, Beautiful, Sharon,
All you have is the now moment, instead of waiting for the perfect conditions, do your best to feel good now. Look for the softest lightest thoughts you can find. Look for things to appreciate. A cup of tea, a soft pillow, support in your life ... It is so worth it for the better feeling it will bring. The Joy Energy
Feeling good is so much better than beating up on yourself, doing an inventory of everything that is wrong, or using your imagination to expect awful things.
My puppy was having health issues, and we couldn't get in to see the vet for a while. Instead of focusing on her pain and suffering, I redirected my thoughts to imagining her feeling well again. A relief for me and reassuring to her.
If you're feeling fear, grief, sadness, anger, jealousy, or any uncomfortable feelings don't try and push them away. Meet them with loving and kindness. Like you would a child that came to you scared.
Then do your best to offer reassurance, a lighter perspective, or just let them be heard and received with love.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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Online Money Abundance Mindset Joyshop
Joyful Abundance Course
Garden Valley Joyshop