"Hello, Beautiful Sharon
Set the tone of your day, before you get out of bed, pick a feeling you'd like to experience. Then go to a memory of the feeling you want to welcome into your day. Maybe you want fun, so you remember a fun time you had. Then take a few minutes to bask in the feelings of fun you've created.
The Joy Energy

Sometimes life can feel dull or boring. I have jump-started myself back to life, so to speak, by going to memories of feeling engaged and glad to be alive.
For instance, I have imagined moments out hiking or working with a client when I felt so incredibly alive, and connected.
I love that my imagination can bring up these good feelings and bring me back to a world of joyful possibilities.
I invite you to create more of what you want to feel in life.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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