"Hello, Beautiful Sharon, 

In your journey through life, you will stumble, make mistakes, and face challenges. Whether it's grappling with addictions or bad habits, navigating mental or physical health conditions, struggling with a relationship or money troubles, or dealing with loss, know that you're not alone; that is all normal and a part of the human experience. Remember, Source/God loves you completely and unconditionally, without judgment. By releasing self-judgment and embracing self-love no matter what, you open the door to receive Universe/God's love, wisdom, and support, and become your best self, shining brightly as a beacon of light for others.

The Joy Energy 


Having worked with over 2000 clients since 2005, I've observed a powerful pattern: when clients let go of the need to judge who was right or wrong in a present or past significant relationship, they often experience immense mental relief and see improvements or even the complete reversal of health conditions.

This truth has deeply resonated with me on a personal level. Much of my own healing journey—from allergies and asthma to bunions and back pain—improved or completely reversed my health issues simply by letting go of judgments towards myself and my family members.

I extend a warm invitation to join me online this Sunday for a transformative 22-minute live hypnosis meditation, my gift to you, our focus Open the Heart to Heal the Body.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


P.S. Join me live online every Sunday for a transformative 22-minute hypnosis meditation. May's focus Improve your health through the power of hypnosis. Click on this link to sign up for reminders and link to join Calling You To Joy

Heal With Hypnosis YouTube Video

Join me for a transformative guided hypnosis session where you'll learn to shed negative judgments toward yourself and others to powerfully transform your health.

Follow along with The Calm Breath self-hypnosis tool for rapid relief and to release the beliefs holding back your health.

My gift to you

Weekly Live Online Support: 22-Minute Hypnosis Meditation to Release Blocks and Fears

Every week, I provide you with tools to release stress, fears, blocks, and worries. This is your opportunity to relax, let go, and connect with softness, well-being, infinite intelligence, and love.

Make sure to find a comfy spot to settle in, and get ready to be transported into a state of deep relaxation and release.

Your video and audio will be automatically turned off to guarantee a peaceful environment for your relaxation.


2-months trial membership and 30-minute private session, on the house 

Join other like-minded positive women who are creating more daily joy, manifesting more abundance,
and improving their lives

When Krystle got laid off from her job, instead
of her normal panic, she shifted to expecting
good things and trusting it would work out

Imagine despite the twists and turns of

life being able to stay positive and
expect good things?


Mastery of Joy packages

Let Me Customize A Package Just For You
One that respects your time availability, budget, and goals

" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me ... Sharon helped me ...  quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" and not in the past or future. I am ... cooking and baking again which I hadn't done in two years; My relationships with family members ... improved ...  It is good to be alive again and wake up with a smile on my face! ..." Marie McLaughlin

Schedule a Free Consultation and get your questions answered, see if I'm a good fit, and find out the different ways we can work together that could fit your budget, time, and goals.

Email me @ svensonhypnosis@gmail.com or text me @ 208 860-7811 and we'll schedule a call.


"... I am so grateful that I have gifted myself this therapy.   I continue to feel a positive shifting at my core and a release from self-judgment: as  a consequence the behaviors I judged myself about are releasing too, like eating junk food, mindlessly  watching TV,  or procrastinating on projects, or putting things off that were hanging over me..." Lynda Modaff

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America