"Hello, Beautiful Sharon
You get to decide where you focus. Use your free will and practice looking for the reality you want to create more of. Actively look for reasons to feel liked, successful, valued, loved, appreciated, and prosperous. It will make you feel good and create a better future.
The Joy Energy

One of my daughters said the other day, "It's OK if you're sad your mom didn't show affection. "
And I joyfully realized I didn't.
I wasn't looking to see how she had failed me anymore. Something I'd done for years with terrible results. It had made me feel disempowered and only brought suffering.
Recently I have been enjoying actively practicing feeling love and appreciation for her. This has brought such sweetness. Even though she has passed, I feel closer to her in spirit than when she was living.
I've focused on how she showed her affection and love not in hugs, kisses, or words of love, but in practical ways.
Like being there for me with the birth of my first child by making nourishing meals, pampering me, and attending to my every need.
I fondly remember the clothes she sewed me, the holiday dinners she cooked, and the lessons I learned in doing chores, taking care of animals, and growing a garden.
What a relief and gift to see the beauty of my childhood.
I invite you to explore focusing in ways that create the feelings you want to experience and create more of.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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