"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Turn to the Benevolent and Loving Universe/God/Divine/Source and feel you are valued, loved, and adored. Don't take offense if others aren't able to give that to you, it's not their job."
The Joy Energy

I love knowing that even when I get down on myself or I feel others are getting down on me, I can tap into higher energies and feelings and feel completely valued, adored, and beloved.
One of my favorite ways to tap into those good feelings is with hypnosis and self-hypnosis.
If you'd like some support in feeling good and improving your life, check out my latest recording from my YouTube Playlist Hypnosis Recordings To Fall Asleep To Stimulate Curiosity, Feel Safe Guided Hypnosis Meditation With Theta Music
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Stimulate Curiosity, Feel Safe Guided Hypnosis Meditation With Theta Music

In this video, I guide you into a Hypnosis Sleep Meditation with Theta Music to help you stimulate curiosity, feel safe, and get a good night's sleep.
We need to feel safe, accepted, and loved for curiosity and creativity to thrive.
This is a state that gives us permission to explore, be curious, feel alive, be our unique selves, and follow our inner guidance.
Listen again and again and again, to support you in overriding old sabotaging thought patterns and building new patterns of thought that bless your life.
Check out the latest YouTube Short videos released this week
YouTube shorts- 60-second or less
Get Deep Positive Change Go The Distance In Mastery Of Joy Packages

Let's design a package to fit your budget, time, and goals
Call or email for a free consultation
" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" Marie McLaughlin
208 860-7811-leave a message or text svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
"... I had my blood tested yesterday to get ... proof of your healing gift ... [to] show my doctor that things were dramatically improving ..." Cortney Neilsen
" ... the money flows ... the ideal clients are here ... my relationships have grown deep and healthier ... I look at money differently... it's all just joy ... opened my heart wider and mind to different possibilities..." Joanne Sapers
0 % interest on payment plans.
Limited Risk Policy
3-Month Package If after one month it doesn't feel right for you, I will prorate and refund the next two months 6-Month If after two months it doesn't feel right for you, I will prorate and refund the next four months Year-Package If after four months it doesn't feel right for you, I will prorate and refund the next eight months
"It was effortless [to stop smoking] ... attract better men, better situations, better jobs ...."
Click here to Read Written Testimonials
Click Here To Listen To Video Testimonials
Click Here To Listen To Audio Testimonials - Lisa shares how hypnosis helped her stop drinking
"... Eventually, I was able to quit taking most of the drugs we thought I had to take to control the disease, as well as quit the painkillers..." Dan Wilson
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel SvensonHypnosis for free hypnosis meditations, to get your questions answered about hypnosis, or learn the transformative tool of self-hypnosis
