"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Notice your statements and beliefs.
Do they bless you or hinder you?
If they cause you suffering or stop you from doing what you truly want, throw them out and pick different ones."
The Joy Energy

I've been challenging myself and learning new things.
I want to offer more to those that can't afford or have the time to work with me one-on-one, support a wider audience that resonates with my offerings, and give more deeply to my clients and past clients.
So I have been stepping things up and offering a ton of new resources on my SvensonHypnosis YouTube channel. Yay!
I'm adding music to audio, turning audio into videos, working to make them more professional sounding, and learning, learning, learning.
And I'm having some success.
My latest project is figuring out how to make longer hypnosis meditations for my Hypnosis Meditations To Fall Asleep To Play List.
I've done lots of uploading, downloading, editing, researching, and watching YouTube tutorials, but have yet to figure it out.
I have had a lot of temporary frustration as I spend hours and hours trying to figure things out and sometimes I have wanted to throw in the towel.
But I'm delighted to say, I haven't. And I keep moving forward. And have enjoyed a lot of the process along the way.
When beliefs pop up
"This is just too much for you ..."
"You need more money to hire a professional ..."
"I'd rather be doing something else this is too hard... "
I keep redirecting to more empowering beliefs like
"I am learning and I do know how to do a lot more than a month ago. That is very satisfying."
"It feels good to be able to do more and therefore be able to create more, yay! "
"There are some videos I am particularly pleased with. And I have lots of ideas from more creations. That's so fun."
"My channel has reached more people, it is helping clients and past clients, and it has blessed more people's lives. Yay!" I invite you to throw out the beliefs that stop you from learning and moving forward and redirect to more joyful thoughts.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Check out the latest videos released this week designed to give you physiological relief fused with self-hypnosis to make them more potent to release stress and reset your system to calm and centered. Enjoy!

Hypnosis Meditations To Fall Asleep To Let change happen while you sleep
Latest Video In The Series

With Theta Music To Support You In Going Deeper
A relaxed mind creates a relaxed body and is an optimum state for the body's natural healing powers to turn on.
Soak up these suggestions for health and healing
Let's Get Deep Transformation For You
Let Me Customize A Mastery Of Joy Package Just For You!
One that fits your time availability, budget, and goals
There is no better time than now, to feel better, and bring out your best self

"Sharon has an incredible gift! In a short period of time, she extracted enough information to identify where I was struggling.
After our initial session, I felt incredibly "free"...
I had an intense wave of joyful emotion occur as I felt lighter, stress-free, yet more in control.
She was so respectful of my boundaries and feelings ..."
Crystal D. Smith

"... Leaving behind fears and worries, especially about the future, changed everything. I love how it all came full circle and other parts of my life came together too..."
Donna Sevilla
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Email me and request a time we can chat about how hypnosis can support you or designing a package just right for you

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel SvensonHypnosis for free hypnosis meditations, to get your questions answered about hypnosis, or learn the transformative tool of self-hypnosis
