"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

Letting go doesn't mean giving up. It means freeing yourself from what’s holding you back, and creating space for new opportunities and growth. Embrace the willingness to let go and welcome the possibilities ahead."

The Joy Energy 

Over the years, I have continued to let go of fixating on fixing things I cannot control, judging myself and others, noticing what is wrong instead of what is right, highlighting drama instead of seeing the beautiful, seeing blocks and limitations instead of possibilities, and imagining worst-case scenarios instead of good things to come.

Why? Because these habits bring me suffering and close me off. Feeling good works better. It supports my mental and physical health and breeds inspiration and positive actions.

If you've done some of the same things, welcome to the human race. The good news is we can change our ways, and hypnosis can be a potent tool for letting go.

What Can You Let Go Of? 

Negative Self-Talk: Release the habit of criticizing yourself. Be loving and encouraging to yourself instead. This will help you feel safe and supported, leading to inspired actions and healthier choices.

Fear of Failure: Stop letting the fear of making mistakes hold you back. Failure is a natural part of learning and success.

Past Regrets: Let go of your past mistakes and move forward. The past doesn’t need to define your future. Free up your energy to embrace new possibilities.

Unrealistic Expectations: Let go of the pressure to be perfect. It is unrealistic and only keeps you from thriving. Embrace your unique journey and celebrate your progress.

Grudges and Resentments: Free yourself from the burden of holding onto anger and resentment. Practice appreciation instead!

Comparisons to Others: Stop comparing your journey to others’ it just sets you up for suffering. Focus on your own path and personal growth.

Limiting Beliefs: Challenge and release beliefs that limit your potential. Adopt a growth mindset.

Overcommitment: Learn to say no and prioritize your time and energy in alignment with how you truly want to live your life.

Get support in letting go—check out some ways below.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment. Not only will it feel good, but it will lead to joyful manifestations."


 P.S. Hypnosis sessions are a powerful and beautiful method for creating positive change effortlessly and easily. 

Do you have goals like - improving your health, stressing less, feeling purposeful and clear-minded, or releasing a bad habit or addiction? Schedule a free consultation. Find out how a Mastery Of Joy Package can help you. Email or text: svensonhypnosis@gmail.com or 208 860-7811 to schedule your consultation.

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SvensonHypnosis YouTube Channel- Hypnosis Meditations, Self-Hypnosis Tutorials


Mastery of Joy packages

Let Me Customize A Package Just For You
One that respects your time availability, budget, and goals

" ... Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" ... " Marie McLaughlin

" ... 
She helped me see ... That ... I did not have to be swayed or damaged by whatever anyone else threw my way...  I felt I had a kind of bubble around me. I was still fully present but I didn’t feel triggered when things didn’t go my way. Working with Sharon is transformative ... I feel better and stronger and kinder and I am grateful for the help." Molly Connolly

"... That was the last cigarette puff I have ever taken. I am “not a smoker”.  Unlike in past experiences, trying to quit, I never crave a cigarette or dream of one... I could not help but return ... to see what else I could gain.  The beautiful tools, like 'imagining good things' ... 'being mindful' ... 'letting your thoughts be ok', ... have worked to enhance ... my life ..." Kathy Vaughan


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America