Joy Message Latest YouTube Videos And Shorts Bad Habits & Addiction Mastery of Joy Package January Specials Women's Membership Open For Enrollment Weekly Free Support On Sunday
"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Don't ignore your negative emotions, they are a blessing and your guidance. They are there to keep you safe and guide you to well-being. Your ability to feel heat guides you away from getting too close to a hot wood stove. Fear can give you the adrenaline to quickly act on your wisdom to get out of the way of a car coming fast towards you. Frustrations can guide you to soothing thoughts or higher perspectives. Sadness can guide you to thoughts of appreciation and love."
The Joy Energy

I love negative emotions and I love super intense negative feelings.
Well, that's kind of a lie, I don't like feeling awful. I like feeling good.
But I love the guidance they give me.
Like, when my beloved dog was poisoned and died fast.
I was flooded with intense negative feelings that kept building up as I went to thoughts of blame, judgment, anger, and fear.
It felt so awful! I didn't want to keep feeling like that and I wasn't able to function in that mental state.
I love feeling good. And feeling good is where I operate best.
So thanks to my intense negative feelings, and my desire to not suffer, and live joyfully, I made the choice, to take a different path. A path of appreciation and love.
Because of my years of practice, choosing to feel good no matter what, I was able to show up for my negative emotions quickly and redirect to thoughts that brought me peace, made me smile, and made me feel incredibly blessed.
Trudy was a special and amazing dog, she expected to be welcomed and loved and made friends all over the neighborhood, she gave me an example of how to live life more boldly, wildly, and freely. She helped me to step out more from my comfort zone bubble.
I invite you to show up for your negative emotions and instead of judging yourself or feeding them use them as guidance and gifts they truly are.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Get more support in feeling good, check out all the possibilities
YouTube Video- Confidence, Bring It In Fast

Harness the power of self-hypnosis to help you feel confident, calm, and centered.
Stop being thrown off by the curve balls life throws at you, like others negative moods, and challenges that are a part of life.
YouTube Video- Unlock your potential: Use this breath technique to help you overcome bad habits

Be guided into hypnosis with a gentle self-hypnosis breath technique to help and support you, if you're dealing with bad habits or addictions
Release guilt and shame, and get a practical tool you can start using now.
YouTube Short- Should You Be Tough On Yourself When You Mess Up?
YouTube Short-Don't Give Up On Giving Up Alcohol
Mastery Of Joy Package Break Free Of Addictions And Bad Habits
Why Go Alone? And Struggle? Get Expert Help. Make Your Health and Well-being A Priority!
January Specials On 3-Month & Year-Long Packages

Lisa was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, and sneaking drinks. Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out. She lost her job because she was drunk at work. And she could no longer drive because of a DUI ...
She was in a very low place in her life...
Listen to the miraculous changes that unfolded for her during the year and a half I worked with her.
Full Audio Testimonial Series
January Specials On 3-Month & Year-Long Packages
Women's Joyful Abundance Group Is Open For Enrollment During The Month Of January
Join other like-minded positive women who are creating more daily joy, manifesting more abundance, and improving their lives
January's Theme- Bad Habits And Addictions

Free Live Online Support 22-minute Call To Joy every Sunday
Release fears and blocks
Click on this link to Sign Up To Attend Calling You To Joy
You will get an email reminder and link to join an hour before
