"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
It can feel good to get sympathy but it only gives short-lived relief and is small in comparison to the feeling of joy an empowering thought can bring you ."
The Joy Energy

I felt sorry for myself this week.
Like when I focused on feelings of outrage at someone who had accused me of things I didn't do.
Or another moment when I turned to another in my thoughts and blamed them for a lack in my life.
I know better.
Playing the victim doesn't give me the feelings of well-being I deeply crave.
These feelings can only be attained with thoughts of well-being.
Feeling sorry for myself isn't uncommon. I continue to prove I am human.
But now I am more likely to catch myself earlier on and change directions.
I have proven going to victim thoughts makes me feel unsafe, fearful, and unhappy.
This old pattern has led me in the past to bad habits, procrastination, and living a small bitter life.
This morning I started to go to a victim mentality but within seconds I caught myself and stopped. Yay!
I was loving but forceful and reminded myself
"Sharon, there are so much better thoughts and feelings you could focus on. Why waste your time focusing here? Why not direct to appreciation? Why not take the path of feeling good?"
So I did!
Sift through your life. Has feeling sorry for yourself, long-term, made you happier?
If you'd like more support nurturing your positive mindset take advantage of the many resources I have on my YouTube Channel, Svenson Hypnosis, to feel good and manifest more of what you want.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Click Here For A tip to overcome victim feelings and nurture feelings of well-being
YouTube short- Relive Memories That Feel Good

We can override the negative memories by spending time remembering positive ones.
Go to memories that bring feelings for you like- fun, playful, loved, supported, brilliant, valued, happy, healthy ...
Take a few moments when you brush your teeth, take a shower, or go to the bathroom to remember memories that bring you good feelings. Bask in them.
Practice again and again and again.
Check out the other latest YouTube Short videos released this week
YouTube shorts- 60-second or less
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