Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Others might judge you negatively. Don't take it personally. Love yourself anyway. And love them. They have given you the opportunity to be a conscious creator and choose your own path and focus."
The Joy Energy

I connected with a friend this week who has a coaching business.
We get together to support each other's businesses.
I left our time together feeling like a big-time loser.
She asked how much I made with my business. When she heard the answer her jaw dropped. It was far short of what she thought I should be making.
Her business income had rocketed up in the last few years to a hefty six figures. And in comparison, I was playing in the small league.
She chastised me, at least that's what it felt like "Don't you want to do better?"
I said of course I did.
What I took away from her comment was I wasn't doing good enough. Which I turned into I wasn't enough
She has a big heart for supporting others. So she began to share advice so I could do better like her.
But I couldn't hear. My brain had gone foggy.
After the conversation my inner critic chimed in I'm such a disappointment. I'm no good at this. I need to do more and do better ... My stomach felt unsettled my chest began to tighten. Yikes, this line of thinking wasn't serving me.
But thank goodness, I stopped before the negative dialogue escalated too much further.
The day before I'd met with this friend I had felt on top of the world, especially around all the things I was doing with my business.
The prior day I had taken the time to appreciate and bask in participants' successes in the Joyful Abundance Course I'm running right now.
I savored the successes of Joyful Abundance Momentum members and took a few moments to appreciate all I had created.
I was excited about new ideas I planned to implement to make them both even better.
I redirected back to those thoughts instead. What a relief. I felt like a success again. I was doing a lot. And I was enjoying it all.
From there I was able to feel good about the financial prosperity my business has brought. I let go of comparing myself to my friend's business and her criteria for success.
Yay. This beautiful mental state gave me renewed energy and lead me to inspired actions for the day.
In the past, something like that could ruin my day and escalate into a really bad week or even months with bouts of sadness and depression.
Now, I could hear my friend's advice. She had some good ideas I could keep in mind to grow my business.
I was able to appreciate her now. I felt flattered she had such high expectations of me.
I appreciated how she has sent some of her clients to me for mindset support.
I appreciated all I've learned from her over the years, and felt grateful for the good example she's been to me for what is possible.
Yay, I was feeling good about both of us.
It had never been her that had taken me to a place of feeling inadequate. Those were my insecurities ready to be stirred up.
I had a choice on where I would put my focus. And I'm glad to say I took the opportunity to lift myself up and feel good about myself, my business, and my friend.
When next you feel triggered or stirred up by another, I hope you make the effort to look for softer lighter perspectives instead.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".

P.S. For alumni only of my Joyful Abundance Course, Mastery of Joy Packages, or sessions, look out for emails the next couple of weeks with more details on how to join my Joyful Abundance Momentum Membership and a sampling of what to expect
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Let Others' Negative Opinions Bead Off You Like Water Off A Duck's Back

If you've been thinking about having a session or doing a Mastery of Joy package act fast
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When Lisa came to me, she was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, and sneaking drinks. Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out unless she stopped drinking. She lost her job because she was drunk at work. Lisa got a DUI, no longer could drive, and was facing possible jail time and fines.
Listen to a series of Audio Testimonials, Lisa shares about her Mastery of Joy Package journey and how she found her joy again and got free of alcohol
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" ... She created a customized meditation ... that really spoke to how I see the world...
She helped me see that I could be present but not hurt by ... words or behaviors ... I felt I had a kind of bubble around me.
I was still fully present but I didn’t feel triggered when things didn’t go my way ..." Molly Connolly Thorsen Consulting