Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"When you stop looking for what went wrong or is wrong and look for what went right and is right, not only will you feel better but you'll get more of what you want- to enjoy life and for life to go well for you."
The Joy Energy

For many years I looked for what my Mom did wrong.
I faulted her for some of the silliest of things, like, how she overcooked beef until it was stringy, as if cooking meat, in what I felt was the right way, was a requirement for being a good mom.
Yeesh, I spent a lot of time feeling miserable, blaming her for my struggles or unhappiness, and along the way, I created habits of blame and judgment instead of love and appreciation.
When I began to look for and find the positive, it was such a relief. Loving her felt so much better. Focusing on the wrong felt heavy and exhausting.
I began to remember good memories. Like the Thanksgiving meals, she had made growing up, which had taken her days to prepare. Memories of my delight with my purple smock with the bright colored flowers she'd sewed brought me appreciation.
From there I was able to shift my perspective, see her more softly, and not take things from my past so personally or seriously.
I would say, most of us have grown up in cultures that have trained us to find fault.
Making a mistake or getting it wrong often becomes a judgment of right or wrong, instead of seen as a normal part of learning.
There is a pervasive belief that we need to blame and judge in order to protect ourselves and improve our lives. But it does the opposite.
Don't take my word for it, but look at your own life. When you thought of yourself as wrong, not good enough, or defective has that made you happier and a better learner?
What were the results when you spent a lot of time negatively judging another person, or an unwanted condition? Did you get the results you wanted, like a better relationship or an improved life?
For me, it made and does make everything worse. It makes me feel powerless and miserable. It can create a war zone within myself or with others.
And, yes, old patterns still crop up, and I fall into blame and judgment.
The sooner I catch myself and turn things around, the better things go for me and the happier I am.
And it is the same for my clients.
Like my alcoholic client who had many real reasons to fault their dad and mom.
But focusing on all the wrong wasn't serving them.
Like me, it brought misery and led them to feel like a victim.
In our hypnosis work together they got to a place of love for their parents. It was such a relief, they said, not to focus on all that mental junk.
This was one of the steps that the client said helped them break free of negative judgments toward themselves.
And one of the steps that allowed them, they said, to reclaim their life, break free of alcohol, and be able to enjoy life again.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Latest Joyshot-Redirect from feeling lousy to feeling better quickly

If you've worked with me in sessions, packages, a course, or workshops you'll love the membership
Let it either get you back on the joy track, support you in keeping your positive momentum going, and/or help you take things further

The payback is priceless
Spend some time and money on your mental well being
Imagine being less stressed and overwhelmed, getting a good night's sleep, being more resilient and confident, enjoying life more, and having the tools to positively change your life

Prices go up in January due to rising costs
Offers End December 31st
Joyful Abundance Momentum Membership Details
One participant shared how working with me has been a big beautiful surprise, my words.
To paraphrase her she said she had done a lot of work on herself in the past and tried a lot of different stuff but was in awe because this was really working.
She felt her brain changing as well as her life.
For instance, her social anxiety seemed to have evaporated. She was feeling relaxed in situations that normally would make her stressed. She was able to redirect away from fears in some extreme situations and access her inner-wisdom and next steps. Yay!
Due to rising costs, these prices will be going up in January
Joyful Abundance Momemtum Membership January 2023-January 2024 Save Money, One Payment 390
Joyful Abundance Momemtum Membership January 2023 -January 2024 12 Monthly Payments of 39
Or get 12 monthly sessions and the membership for 12 monthly payments of $247 a month
Humanitarian Joyful Abundance VIP Membership Get 12 Monthly 60-Minute Sessions January 2023-January 2024 12 Monthly Payments of 247
Email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com and schedule a chat to learn more
Did you know I have a Mastery of Joy Package for Bad Habits & Addictions?
When Lisa came to me, she was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, sneaking drinks.
Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out unless she stopped drinking.
She lost her job because she was drunk at work.
Lisa got a DUI, and no longer could drive, and was facing possible jail time and fines.
Others would tell her about conversations or things she had done and she had no memory of those events.
She couldn't trust herself.
She was in a very low place in her life.
Listen below for the positive transformations that unfolded for Lisa Rappleye, and how she now is living a very different life
Listen to Lisa's audio testimonial on how she reclaimed her life, found her joy, and got free of alcohol
Email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com and schedule a chat to learn more