"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

Improve your health and mental well-being by choosing the softest lightest thoughts you can find. It will feel good and allow your body's natural healing abilities to turn on.

The Joy Energy 

Negative emotions can trigger survival mode, signaling to the brain and body that survival and well-being are at risk.

Survival mode shuts down healing abilities so your energies can be used to keep you safe. The problem is, if we stay in negative emotions for extended periods, our bodies don't have the opportunity to heal, regenerate, rebuild, and restore.

Sleep is a crucial opportunity for your body and mind to rejuvenate, rebuild, and heal.

Hopefully, even if your day is filled with stress you're able to let go and get deep, restorative sleep.

However, research shows that many of us don't get the deep, healing sleep we need.

If you'd like to improve your health, below are three hypnosis meditations to support you.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment. Not only will it feel good, but it will lead to joyful manifestations."


 P.S. Here our more ways to get support. Right now you can try out the Women's Joyful Abundance Membership on the house. Want to improve your health or release pain? Schedule a free consultation. Find out how a Mastery Of Joy Package can help with physical health and pain relief. Email or text  svensonhypnosis@gmail.com 208 860-7811 to schedule your consultation. Or join me online every Sunday for a transformative 22-minute hypnosis meditation, my weekly gift to you


Unlock Your True Self, Sleep Hypnosis

Unlock your true self by letting go of negative emotions, damaging opinions, and limiting beliefs. When you stop negatively fixating on or reliving the past you can free up energy to live your life how you want to, allowing your body to heal, regenerate, and restore.

Let go of triggering feelings, memories, and beliefs

Rewire your brain for deep restful sleep, Improve Your Health

This guided sleep meditation is designed to relax your body and mind, so you can release attachments to negative thinking, soak up love and abundance principles, connect with and follow your inner guidance, and allow your body to heal, restore, and regenerate.

Deep Healing Sleep

Get Deep Healing Sleep With The Calm Breath

Raw unedited version of this week's Calling you to joy.
Go To Sleep With The Calm Breath Use the Calm Breath to drop off into a deep healing sleep and use it during the day to release stress setting you up for a deep healing sleep.

Experience Deep Healing Sleep Through Self-Hypnosis


Mastery of Joy packages

Let Me Customize A Package Just For You
One that respects your time availability, budget, and goals

"I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis about eight years ago and have been on many different medications over the years. I tried diets and herbs over the years as well as acupuncture.  Nothing was giving me relief except the medication that left me with stomach problems and a drugged feeling.

Hypnosis changed my life in a number of ways. My objective was to help relieve pain I was having in my spine. I started to see results after my first visit.

As I continued the results grew stronger and stronger. The first thing I noted I  was not thinking about the pain so much.
These were the building blocks I needed to progress away from an ‘incurable illness’.

Eventually, I was able to quit taking most of the drugs we thought I had to take to control the disease, as well as quit the painkillers.

Being off the medications is a huge leap forward, having energy is priceless.

Now I am back to work for the first time in years doing what I thought I would never be able to do again ... "

Dan Wilson 
"I have wonderful news … I had my blood tested … It showed my muscle inflammation was OFF the CHARTS!…
I was then referred to you… not only am I healthier, I can stand to be comfortable in my own skin… here comes the number… I had my blood tested yesterday to get ... proof of your healing gift ... [to] show my doctor that things were dramatically  improving… my number yesterday was 162 and the normal for muscle elevation is 130! I WOULD SAY THAT IS A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE… Thank you for EVERYTHING..!… " 

Cortney Neilsen

Schedule a Free Consultation And Learn More About A Mastery Of Joy Package   Get your questions answered, see if I'm a good fit, and find out the different ways we can work together that fit your budget, time, and goals.

Email me @ svensonhypnosis@gmail.com or text me @ 208 860-7811 and we'll schedule a call that works for both of us.



Every Sunday, June's Focus The body/mind connection

Weekly Live Online Support: 22-Minute Hypnosis Meditation to Release Blocks and Fears

Every week, I provide you with tools to release stress, fears, blocks, and worries. This is your opportunity to relax, let go, and connect with softness, well-being, infinite intelligence, and love.

Make sure to find a comfy spot to settle in, and get ready to be transported into a state of deep relaxation and release.

Your video and audio will be automatically turned off to guarantee a peaceful environment for your relaxation.

Click here to sign up for weekly reminders and the link to join



2-months trial membership and 30-minute private session, on the house 

Join other like-minded positive women who are creating more daily joy, manifesting more abundance,
and improving their lives

When Krystle got laid off from her job, instead
of her normal panic, she shifted to expecting
good things and trusting it would work out

Imagine despite the twists and turns of

life being able to stay positive and
expect good things?

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America