"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

When you're hanging out in feelings of hopelessness, depression, or sadness, moving up to feelings of appreciation and wellbeing is probably too far away to get to.

Instead, look for softer lighter thoughts that bring you a softness and relief.

Take a beautiful deep sigh breath and remind yourself, it is normal to have negative thoughts. They aren't a statement about you or your ability to be happy. Negative thoughts aren't a life sentence they are temporary and they can change. "

The Joy Energy

One of my favorite techniques to feel better when I dip into the heavier lower emotions is to meet them with love, and just let it be completely OK to have them.

When I meet my negative thoughts will love and acceptance, I can find other softer lighter thoughts that I couldn't access before

Here are some examples of meeting your negative feelings with love and acceptance and then being able to find more lighter thoughts:

"That's OK you're feeling angry and unreasonable. I love you anyway. These feelings will pass. They are temporary. Why don't you take a break and go for a walk or do some poi ..." 

"That's OK you feel like there is no way out. I love you anyway. Just because you're thinking these thoughts doesn't make them true. Remember that time you felt hopeless but then things did work out? ..."

"That's OK you feel hateful or jealous towards another. I love you anyway. It doesn't mean you're a bad person. You're just probably feeling insecure or unsafe and are trying to make yourself feel better. You have so many blessings you could focus on instead ..."

I invite you to experiment and try this out if you don't already. 

There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


Hypnosis Meditations To Fall Asleep To
Let change happen while you sleep

Latest Video In The Series

Unleash the Healing Power Of Sleep Hypnosis:
Get Deep Sleep For a Healthy Mind -Body-Spirit Harmony

With Theta Music To Support You In Going Deeper

A relaxed mind creates a relaxed body and is an optimum state for the body's natural healing powers to turn on.

Soak up these suggestions for health and healing


Or check out this short tutorial to get physiological relief fused with the potent tool of self-hypnosis for rapid calm

Unlock Instant Calm: How Breathing & Hypnosis
Gives You Unbelievable Results! The Calm Breath


Let Me Customize A Mastery Of Joy Package Just For You!
One that fits your time availability, budget, and goals

There is no better time than now, to feel better, and bring out your best self

"Sharon has an incredible gift! In a short period of time, she extracted enough information to identify where I was struggling.

After our initial session, I felt incredibly "free"... 

I had an intense wave of joyful emotion occur as I felt lighter, stress-free, yet more in control. 

She was so respectful of my boundaries and feelings ..."

Crystal D. Smith


"... Leaving behind fears and worries, especially about the future, changed everything. I love how it all came full circle and other parts of my life came together too..."

Donna Sevilla

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Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America