"Hello, Beautiful Sharon
When you feel awful, it's because your brain has been really good at its job. So when you think a thought like "You hurt me" your beautiful brain goes on a quest to find similar thoughts. When you get to the point the negative thoughts come fast and furious it can be nearly impossible to find thoughts that feel good. Not because the softer lighter joyful thoughts don't exist. They do. But because your mind can't find what it isn't looking for.
The Joy Energy

I have worked myself up into a negative frenzy and can only see the worse. It feels so intense and real it can feel permanent.
And I've also been in that place where I only see the positive and I can't even imagine anything bad.
This is so normal.
When we get the negative or positive thoughts flowing fast and furious, the opposite thoughts and feelings are hard to find.
I think of a friend who shared a few months back how she felt so good. She was on top of the world. She waxed poetically on how she would never feel bad again, those times were behind her.
This is so normal.
When we feel good our brilliant focusing brains find more thoughts of well-being and optimism.
The organic files of negativity, aren't readily accessible. Our system is focused on pulling up the feel-good files only.
Then a few weeks later she came crashing down, and couldn't even remember ever feeling on top of the world. Those positive feelings at that moment weren't accessible.
To bring in softness when I have my negative momentum going I remind myself my feeling is temporary, even though I am not able to access the good feelings right now I have felt good before and they will come again.
These reminders give me hope and soften my mood, from here I can access more softer and lighter thoughts.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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Updated longer version
A relaxed mind creates a relaxed body and is an optimum state for the body's natural healing powers to turn on
You'll be soaked with positive suggestions for relief and to reset the mind-body to calm and expectant Listen again and again and again, to support you in overriding old sabotaging thought patterns and buildup new patterns of thought that bless your life.
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"... I had my blood tested yesterday to get ... proof of your healing gift ... [to] show my doctor that things were dramatically improving ..." Cortney Neilsen
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" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" Marie McLaughlin
" ... the money flows ... the ideal clients are here ... my relationships have grown deep and healthier ... I look at money differently... it's all just joy ... opened my heart wider and mind to different possibilities..." Joanne Sapers
"It was effortless [to stop smoking] ... [I] attract better men, better situations, better jobs ...."
Amy Leslie
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