"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
You have wisdom, that was born from living things you didn't like, and experiencing what didn't work. Reliving this past, or beating up on yourself or others, for past failings, is not effective. It just creates more misery. Set yourself free. Be willing to let it all go.
The Joy Energy

I have helped clients let go of focusing on the past, and contrary to a popular belief that you should never forget, it served them.
What a gift to be free of guilt, shame, or negative expectations about yourself.
How beautiful to no longer have to blame or relive trauma.
And, the good news is it didn't lead them down a path of being abused or making poor choices.
But the opposite.
No matter the issue a client comes to me for support, quitting smoking, breaking free of alcohol, losing weight, releasing migraines or allergy symptoms, letting go of worrying and stressing, performance anxiety, you name it, I always, always start at the same place, to let go.
Want more support in letting go? Enjoy this week's YouTube hypnosis meditation and YouTube shorts. Scroll down to click on the links to access them.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
If you've never had a session with me, try one out
Free No-Obligation Session Release Hidden Blocks Get Clarity & Relief

LIMITED SPOTS Click Here To Sign-Up For A Session In October
Click here to check out the latest YouTube Short videos released
Latest YouTube Hypnosis Meditation-Deep Emotional Release: Let Go & Heal

The mind can't tell the difference between what is imagined and real. As you imagine healing takes place so it does. This recording is designed to either drop you into a deep healing sleep or for you to use it more consciously to let go and release the past.
Mastery Of Joy Packages for Deep Transformation

Listen To Video Testimonials- Improving Health Conditions, Losing Weight, Overcoming Phobias And Scarcity Beliefs, Improving Relationships, Accomplishing Dreams
Listen To Audio Testimonials - Lisa shares how hypnosis helped her beat alcoholism
Read Written Testimonials-Releasing Alcoholism, Being Happier, Stopping Smoking, Improving Health, Overcoming Social Anxiety, Releasing Stress, Worry, The Heaviness Of The Past ...
"... I had my blood tested yesterday to get ... proof of your healing gift ... [to] show my doctor that things were dramatically improving ..." Cortney Neilsen
" ... the money flows ... the ideal clients are here ... my relationships have grown deep and healthier ... I look at money differently... it's all just joy ... opened my heart wider and mind to different possibilities..." Joanne Sapers