"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

Instead of judging yourself for feeling bad or seeking more negative thoughts to justify your feelings, meet all negative thoughts and emotions with love. Love is a soft, light, and freeing energy. By greeting uncomfortable thoughts and emotions with love, you find relief and open the door to lighter, brighter feelings. This state of allowing not only feels good, but it invites Divine support, guidance, and answers into your life.

The Joy Energy 

It's easy to fuel negativity without realizing it by judging ourselves for feeling bad or seeking more negative thoughts to justify our feelings. This cycle only brings misery.

However, feeling good is an ideal healing state for your brilliant body to restore, balance, and rejuvenate. It's where you access your wisdom, confidently say no or yes, and know when to speak up or let things be. In this state, creativity flows, dreams become actionable, and you receive Divine support, guidance, and help.

Negative emotions are useful tools. We don't want to ignore them or pretend they don't exist. When we use them as guidance, these temporary thoughts and feelings can be supportive in keeping us safe and guiding us to lighter softer thoughts, and to happiness and well-being.

For example, fear can protect us from danger. When a fast-moving car is heading towards us, fear can give us the focus and energy to quickly get out of the way.

Fear can also guide us to thoughts that bring relief and more expansive perspectives. When we feel fear around trying something new, it can lead us to comforting thoughts like, "It's okay to look foolish; I won't die from it," "It's okay to make mistakes; that's part of learning," and "I'm not supposed to have it all figured out; part of the fun is learning."

When you meet your negative thoughts with the energy of love, it can help you act fast, follow your wisdom, loosen the grip of negative thoughts, and guide you to thoughts that bring relief, comfort, and higher perspectives.

Meeting your negative thoughts and feelings with the love energy isn't about pretending unwanted things didn't happen, or about accepting unwanted conditions, or is it about forgiving the unforgivable. It's about feeling good, living more fully, authentically, and freely. The recipe for that is found in good feeling thoughts and feelings.

To help you recognize when you might be negatively judging yourself or seeking negative thoughts, consider these examples:

  • "I have every reason to be mad at her and can think of many more reasons."
  • "It was so wrong how they treated me."
  • "I feel so bad for being angry at my mom."
  • "Why do I keep worrying even though I know better?"
  • "I've done so much work on myself, but I still imagine worst-case scenarios."
  • "Why do I always feel so defeated?"
  • "Why can't I stay calm when arguing with my husband?"
  • "Why does my teenager keep triggering me?"
  • "Why do I take things so personally and feel so rejected every time?"

I invite you to try out meeting all of your negative thoughts and feelings this week with the feeling of love. Notice the results. Is it helpful? Does it bring you relief and more joy? Does it make your life go better?

Check out my YouTube Love Breath self-hypnosis tutorials, guiding you to meet the uncomfortable with the love energy

If you want more support check out my individual hypnosis sessions and packages, go to my YouTube channel, SvensonHypnosis for my Sunday live stream podcast Calling You To Joy, hypnosis meditations and self-hypnosis tutorials, and if you're a woman, my 2-month free trial membership.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


P.S. Reply back to this email to request a free consultation and find out how hypnosis can help you

Mastery of Joy packages
Let Me Customize A Package Just For You
One that respects your time availability, budget, and goals

" ... Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" ... " Marie McLaughlin

" ... 
She helped me see ... That ... I did not have to be swayed or damaged by whatever anyone else threw my way...  I felt I had a kind of bubble around me. I was still fully present but I didn’t feel triggered when things didn’t go my way. Working with Sharon is transformative ... I feel better and stronger and kinder and I am grateful for the help." Molly Connolly

"... That was the last cigarette puff I have ever taken. I am “not a smoker”.  Unlike in past experiences, trying to quit, I never crave a cigarette or dream of one... I could not help but return ... to see what else I could gain.  The beautiful tools, like 'imagining good things' ... 'being mindful' ... 'letting your thoughts be ok', ... have worked to enhance ... my life ..." Kathy Vaughan

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America