"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Let God/Universe/The Divine do the heavy lifting. Your deal? Choose the softest lightest thoughts you can find from where you're at. From an open state of wellbeing will come inspiration, guidance, and positive manifestations."
The Joy Energy

Last week I woke up with my neck locked up and in a lot of pain.
I had started a free challenge on how to grow my YouTube channel a few days before and I was feeling overwhelmed.
I felt daunted by all the things they were suggesting I do, especially the ones that seemed way beyond my skill levels or budget to incorporate.
I have found in the past if I can find mental relief physical comfort will often follow.
I shared with my husband what was going on. And he helped a lot with my mental soothing. He has experienced this kind of thing in the past and told me my neck lock wasn't a big deal, would go away, and was probably due to stress.
I allowed myself to really hear this thought " ... it was temporary and not a big deal ..." I felt my neck loosen up quite a bit.
Then I played around with different thoughts that might give me more relief.
I spoke to my overwhelmed self and reminded myself, all is well, you don't need to learn everything at once. You can start from where you're at and incorporate what you can. This loosened things up even more.
Then I added "You're safe, Sharon, you're not in any danger. Your life doesn't depend on figuring this all out right now." I know that might seem a bit traumatic and maybe even silly but I could feel myself getting worked up. I felt a huge relief!
By the next day, my neck lock was completely gone.
And clarity came on what to focus on and do next. Yay!
The result is three new hypnosis recordings I just added to my playlist, Hypnosis Meditations To Fall Asleep To. I figured out how to add music to them and make them even better! Scroll below in this email to check them out.
I feel excited to continue to learn, create, and figure things out as I go along the way.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Check Out my three new recordings I just added onto @ YouTube Channel SvensonHypnosis All three have theta music added to them to help accelerate the positive transformations
Hypnosis Meditations To Fall Asleep To Let change happen while you sleep
Rewire the brain and body to relax deeply and sleep soundly

Feeling safe, loved, and supported is the foundation for happiness and success

Unlock Your True Self By Letting Go Of Damaging Opinions And Limiting Beliefs

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel SvensonHypnosis for free hypnosis meditations, to get your questions answered about hypnosis, or learn the transformative tool of self-hypnosis

Sleep Hypnosis Meditations To Fall Asleep To
What Hypnosis Is And Isn't
Look for today's Joyshot posted in The Joy Space FB group or on the SvensonHypnosis YouTube channel
Joyshots are short videos that teach you self-hypnosis and shower you with positive messages. Today's focus-Soak yourself in the transformative energy of love.
You'll find today's Joyshot live-streamed and later posted in the private FB group The Joy Space
If you haven't already joined this loving group to nurture your positive mindset, be sure to join today
Let Me Customize A Mastery Of Joy Package Just For You! One that fits your time availability, budget, and goals
"... I was certain the session was unsuccessful. There was no deep trance, or blackout time or moments of lost time or “unconsciousness. It just felt like the little naps we used to take in kindergarten. Relaxed and cuddled.
I couldn’t believe that I had no desire for a smoke, even after the first session. I sat on the porch enjoying the evening with my guy. He lit up and I asked for a puff. That was the last cigarette puff I have ever taken. I am “not a smoker”. Unlike in past experiences, trying to quit, I never crave a cigarette or dream of one ... " Kathy Vaughan

"... Leaving behind fears and worries, especially about the future, changed everything. I love how it all came full circle and other parts of my life came together too..." Donna Sevilla
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