"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
As the mind is the body follows. The best thing you can do for your body is to choose the softest lightest thoughts you can find. This will relax the body. A relaxed body has the energy it can use for healing."
The Joy Energy

I used to have asthma and air-borne allergies. I always had my inhaler and Benadryl on hand.
In fact, for years about 3/4's of the year I was dependent on them. I hated the side effects of feeling groggy and detached.
In 2005 I started my year-long training to be a hypnotist.
During my training, I used what I was learning, along with the wisdom from Louise Hay's book Heal Your Live to make a hypnosis recording for myself.
I filled my hypnosis recording with positive suggestions that addressed my fears, anxieties, and limited beliefs and gave me soothing, relief, and positive expectations.
Below are a few of the suggestions I used
- You are safe, Sharon, you can relax and trust in life, no condition or person can hold you back
- God/Source/Universe unconditionally loves, accepts, and approves of you
- You can relax and breathe easy, God/Source has it covered
- Your body is brilliant. It knows what to do, it can heal, restore, rejuvenate, and balance. Your body can sift through whatever you take in mentally and physically, extract the positive properties, and effortlessly release the by-products
Next, I soaked myself in these positive suggestions by using my recording every day for about three months.
I became completely free of all symptoms.
Wow!!! I was blown away. I didn't change my diet or exercise more. I changed my patterns of thought.
At the same time I was working with volunteer clients with serious health conditions and pain and addressing their fears, anxieties, and limited beliefs, and their testimonials of relief were blowing me away too.
A year or so later I experienced a severe allergic reaction to something at a book group meeting at a friend's house. So again, I soaked myself in positive suggestions.
I haven't used an inhaler since that day. Or had breathing issues. And I no longer have to take allergy medications. Yay!
And if I start to feel allergy symptoms come back, which I sometimes do, like a scratchy throat, or pressure in my sinuses, I consciously redirect to those higher truths or listen to a hypnosis recording that addresses my fears, anxieties, or limited beliefs.
The power of the mind is amazing.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
For support in releasing your blocks and shifting your perspective, to be healthier, listen to my free YouTube Healing Hypnosis Meditations
Heal While You Sleep

The testimonial below is from one of the volunteer clients I worked with during my training period. Yowza! The course of his life was changed!

"I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis about eight years ago and have been on many different medications over the years.
I tried diets and herbs over the years as well as acupuncture. Nothing was giving me relief except the medication that left me with stomach problems and a drugged feeling. Hypnosis changed my life in a number of ways.
My objective was to help relieve pain I was having in my spine.
I started to see results after my first visit. As I continued the results grew stronger and stronger. The first thing I noted I was not thinking about the pain so much.
These were the building blocks I needed to progress away from an ‘incurable illness’.
Eventually, I was able to quit taking most of the drugs we thought I had to take to control the disease, as well as quit the painkillers.
Being off the medications is a huge leap forward, having energy is priceless. Now I am back to work for the first time in years doing what I thought I would never be able to do again ... "
Dan Wilson
Garden Valley, Idaho
Mastery of Joy Health Package
Sessions In-Office, By Phone, Or Online Mastery of Joy Packages

Request a free no-obligation consultation and mini-hypnosis session to explore and experience how hypnosis can positively improve your life.
Text, or call 208 860-7811 and leave a message. Or email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
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