In this email
- Joy Message- "You are called to feel good. Your guidance within beckons you ...
- The latest Joy Shot- A five-second tool to feel better
- Free Hypnosis Series, latest episode- What is self-hypnosis, what you can use it for, is it hard to learn, and does it take a lot of time?
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"You have guidance within that beckons you to lighter softer thoughts. And as you choose a lighter softer thought you can tell you are moving in a good direction, because it feels good. And feeling good is a beautiful state to enjoy life, access your inner guidance, and take inspired actions."
The Joy Energy

When I feel scared, hateful, sad, afraid, angry, or any uncomfortable thought, it feels like something is wrong.
When I feel satisfied, joyful, contented, and happy, or other comfortable thoughts it feels right, like I've landed where I was supposed to be.
That is my guidance, guiding me to feel good.
I have proven again and again, and my clients have demonstrated to me, feeling good works better, no matter how justified and right we feel about our judgmental beliefs.
Not only does feeling good feel good, but it works better, and with consistent practice will improve every area of your life.
I had one client when we first started to work together who spent a lot of his time hating, and feeling like a victim.
He was tired a lot, angry a lot, sick a lot, and depressed a lot. He came to me desperate for physical and mental relief.
He was raised to hate different racial, sexual orientations, and political groups.
I get that because I've been there, judging others, judging myself, judging conditions I don't like, and I still go there.
But if I settle into the judgmental thoughts it never ever works out for me.
It leads me to more judgments, brings me misery, disrupts my sleep, and often brings uncomfortable physical conditions that manifest.
For me, my negative judgments have translated into migraine headaches, allergies, stomach issues, back problems, fibromyalgia symptoms, and on and on.
As I let go of judgments and victim mentalities and spent more time appreciating, seeing from loving perspectives, and looking for thoughts that made me feel safe and loved, my world changed for the better, my health improved, I enjoyed life more, and I was able to spend my energy on improving my life and going after my dreams.
As my client let go of his judgemental feelings for himself, life, and others, he eventually saw all his physical symptoms disappear, unexplained pain go away, and discovered some new talents that he used to help others.
If you want to feel good more of the time and have life go better for you, listen to this week's Joyshot
This week's Joyshot - Learn A five-second tool to think more clearly, access your inner-guidance, and feel good
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
What hypnosis is and what hypnosis isn't
A new free series exploring what hypnosis is and isn't

The latest episode
What is self-hypnosis, what can I use it for, does it take a lot of time, and is it hard to learn?
Or go to my Youtube channel and listen to testimonials
Fast-Forward Your Transformation with One Of The Most Potent Methods AvailableTo Humanity, Hypnosis
3, 6, and 12-month Options
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- Health Improvement & Pain Issues
- Habits & Addictions
- Body Image, Self-Care & Love
- Positive Mindset For Your Child & Teen
- Prosperity, Success, Goals & Dreams
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