Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"The time to analyze and figure things out isn't when you're feeling fearful. A fearful state of mind brings confusion, leads to poor choices, and produces more fearful thoughts. Instead, do your best to redirect to better-feeling thoughts, like appreciation, a beautiful state of mind that brings clarity, leads to inspired choices, and produces more joyful thoughts.
The Joy Energy

It can be hard to imagine a different reality when an unwanted reality is up close and personal
Years ago we were struggling financially, my husband hadn't been able to work for months because of sciatic issues.
We got behind on our mortgage and were facing foreclosure on our home. I felt panicky and hopeless.
There was a government refinance program that might help but it felt too daunting to apply for.
Friends had applied but gotten turned down, so I thought, why bother?
I needed to calm down. My fears wouldn't allow any clear thoughts to get through.
These fears attracted a lot of judgmental thoughts about myself and my husband, as well as thoughts of the unfairness of life.
I escaped my fears for periods of time with work, walks, movies, or a book.
But as the foreclosure notices became more urgent my anxiety revved up and became a constant presence.
One day, I decided, alright, no more running away, I challenged my fears to come out and be heard, no holds barred.
I let the fears know it was safe to share anything, I would meet all of them with love and acceptance. And I did.
They came out fast and furious like projectile vomit. It was over within minutes.
After my purge, I felt better. But I didn't stop there. I opened up a dialogue with them.
I let these fears know I recognized they had good intentions. I knew they wanted me to be happy and wanted things to work out for us.
Soft thoughts started to come that soothed my negative judgments.
I reassured myself our financial troubles weren't a statement of our lovability or worthiness and that things could change for the better. Other fine souls had faced similar situations as us and were doing just fine now.
I let my fears know, even though I didn't know the answers, somehow we'd be alright. And then I reviewed past memories when things had felt hopeless at one time and then changed for the better.

Other softer thoughts came, like, the foreclosure process will take time, and I was in the house right now, so why not appreciate and enjoy it?
From this lighter broader perspective, clarity came, I was able to relax more, and take the steps needed to apply for refinancing. Something that before had seemed too overwhelming and daunting now felt manageable.
I didn't know if we would get the refinance but it felt good to take an action step, and it felt good to feel good again, so I continued to redirect my fears to more optimistic thoughts.
We did get the refinancing, my husband's sciatic did eventually get better, and I developed stronger healthier positive patterns of habit.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
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Don't Let Fear Run The Show

Introducing The Humanitarian Package
Give Yourself Monthly Private Sessions And The Year-long Membership Plus, I'll Gift A Membership In Your Name To Another Beautiful Soul Who Can't Afford The Membership At This Time

One participant shared how working with me has been a big beautiful surprise, my words.
To paraphrase her she said she had done a lot of work on herself in the past and tried a lot of different stuff but was in awe because this was really working.
She felt her brain changing as well as her life.
For instance, her social anxiety seemed to have evaporated. She was feeling relaxed in situations that normally would make her stressed. She was able to redirect away from fears in some extreme situations and access her inner wisdom and next steps. Yay!
Did you know I have a Mastery of Joy Package for Bad Habits & Addictions?
Bad habits or Addictions aren't an indicator there is something wrong with you.
Get Support To Reclaim Your life!

Testimonials for Mastery of Joy Package
“ ...
I was one of those people who “loved” to smoke. I thought it made me feel relaxed and comforted. Over time, the social stigma made it more and more uncomfortable...
I wanted to be able to live comfortably with other smokers. I didn’t want the smokers in my life to feel uncomfortable ... I did not want to be one of the stereotypical “ex-smokers”.
... I was certain the session was unsuccessful. There was no deep trance, or blackout time or moments of lost time or “unconsciousness. It just felt like the little naps we used to take in kindergarten. Relaxed and cuddled.
I couldn’t believe that I had no desire for a smoke, even after the first session. I sat on the porch enjoying the evening with my guy. He lit up and I asked for a puff. That was the last cigarette puff I have ever taken. I am “not a smoker”. Unlike in past experiences, trying to quit, I never crave a cigarette or dream of one ...
Kathy Vaughan Garden Valley, ID
When Lisa came to me, she was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, sneaking drinks.
Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out unless she stopped drinking.
She lost her job because she was drunk at work.
Lisa got a DUI, and no longer could drive, and was facing possible jail time and fines.
Others would tell her about conversations or things she had done and she had no memory of those events.
She couldn't trust herself.
She was in a very low place in her life.
Listen below for the positive transformations that unfolded for Lisa Rappleye, and how she now is living a very different life
Listen to Lisa's audio testimonial on how she reclaimed her life, found her joy, and got free of alcohol
Email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com and schedule a chat to learn more