"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Right where you are, it might feel like finding a solution to your problem or challenge is impossible. But try letting go of the how and the means. Remember times when things worked out, even when you didn't know how. Think back to those moments of relief or appreciation. Enjoy those good feelings, like soaking up the sun on a perfect day. Now, imagine that a Higher Power has already sorted it all out, and the answers are guaranteed. Feel that sense of ease again. You now have opened up the portal to Infinite Intelligence and the Divine for your solutions and answers to flow freely.
The Joy Energy

During my lifetime, I've encountered a lot of challenges, just like you have.
There isn't a single person I know who hasn't faced their share of troubles.
At times, these problems have seemed too big and overwhelming for me to sort out or fix. And sometimes they have felt completely unsolvable.
Clients have shared their own impossible situations that seemed to have no solution or answer they could imagine.
Yet time and time again, for both myself and my clients, when we stopped trying to figure it out and control everything, and instead trusted in Life/Source/God/Universe, things started to fall into place.
I don't have your answers, but I can help you find them.
I believe in the power of letting go, finding your joy, and then trusting things will work out.
I help you let go, find your joy, and build up your faith.
This beautiful state of allowing and feeling good can truly change everything.
If you're looking for more guidance on letting go and feeling good, check out the resources below.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
P.S. Ready to invite more joy and well-being into your life? Embrace the healthier, happier, abundant life that's waiting for you! Schedule a Discovery Call Get Your Questions Answered, See If I'm A Good Fit For You, And Find Out The Different Ways You Can Work With Me That Fit Your Time, Budget, And Goals. Why go it alone?
Let Go, Receive Divine Support Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Surrender to the Universe/God/Source and allow in Divine support, in this guided hypnosis meditation. Let this recording help you release the need to do it all on your own, and build up your faith and trust in the infinite support there for you!

Why Go It Alone? Get Expert Help. Make Your Health and Well-being A Priority!
Schedule A Discovery Call
Get Your Questions Answered, See If I'm A Good Fit For You, And Find Out The Different Ways You Can Work With Me That Fit Your Time, Budget, And Goals. Why go it alone?

" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" Marie McLaughlin
"... my number yesterday was 162 and the normal for muscle elevation is 130! I WOULD SAY THAT IS A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE… Thank you for EVERYTHING..!… "
Cortney Nielsen
My gift to you- Live online support
22-minute Call To Joy Every Sunday
I invite you to join me for a
In our practice, we always aim to focus on feeling good, no matter what challenges we might be facing.
However, I understand that some days, finding that inner peace can feel like an uphill battle.
Each week I give you tools to release the stress, fears, blocks, and worries.
This is your time to relax, let go, and connect up with softness, well-being, infinite intelligence, and love.
Then if you'd like you can stay after, turn on your video and audio, and get extra love and support.
Sign up to attend
Calling You To Joy