"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Be inspired to action, look for light, joyful, happy thoughts."
The Joy Energy

It is the heavy thoughts that cloud our minds, freeze us up, and lock us into procrastination.
When you release your heavy thoughts, whether they are thoughts of guilt, shame, judged, unworthy, pressured, fearful, or not enough, you will naturally feel inspired and move forward on your goals and dreams. And you'll be happier.
Don't take my word for it, experiment and explore replacing your negative thinking with more positive thoughts, and note the results.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
For support in releasing your blocks and shifting your perspective, so you can live life more lightly, freely, and fully, listen to the latest YouTube release
Stop Procrastinating
The Biggest Reason Why You Procrastinate: Unlock the Tool to Let It Go!

Sessions In-Office, By Phone, Or Online Mastery of Joy Packages

Request a free no-obligation consultation and mini-hypnosis session to explore and experience how hypnosis can positively improve your life.
Text, or call 208 860-7811 and leave a message. Or email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
Calling You To Joy Free Live Online Support Every Sunday Morning
Sign up for an email reminder an hour before with the link to join Release Blocks & Fears

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