"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
The Benevolent and Loving Universe/God loves and approves of you unconditionally. And calls you to love and approve of yourself unconditionally. You did the best you could given your knowledge, wisdom, and abilities at the time and that is all you could do. When you receive this unconditional love it feels good and frees up your energy to live life mindfully, joyfully, and fully.
The Joy Energy

Explore being kinder to yourself, being more compassionate, and maybe even giving yourself unconditional love and acceptance.
Suzie came to me in pain, despite having a pain pump that had been surgically inserted into her body to give her medical relief.
I soaked *Suzie in unconditional love and acceptance in hypnosis once a week for three months. *Suzie is a pseudonym
After working together her pain was gone, and she had the pain pump taken out along with other positive results.
Imagine that? By shifting her perspective, she was freed of her pain.
The power of the mind to support your health and well-being to me is exciting and mind-boggling.
I worked with Dan in hypnosis, and he discovered how powerful his mind was. How everything could change by shifting his perspective
"... My objective was to help relieve pain I was having in my spine. I started to see results after my first visit. As I continued the results grew stronger and stronger. The first thing I noted I was not thinking about the pain so much. These were the building blocks I needed to progress away from an ‘incurable illness’..."
When a client comes in wanting relief from chronic pain, a health condition, a bad habit or addiction, or any issue, the first place I go to in hypnosis is to offer suggestions of self-acceptance and unconditional love.
When these suggestions are accepted they always get tremendous soothing and relief.
Commonly after the first session, they will experience profound mental relief and if it's pain, either a complete release or softening of their physical pain.
There are lots and lots of thought patterns clients discover in sessions that they've been going to that block unconditional love and acceptance
Like they are too fat, their house is too messy or cluttered, they don't have enough money, they don't have a good job, their business is failing or not making enough, they have a rocky relationship, their parents are struggling, their kids have problems, someone rejected them, they haven't started writing the book they wanted to write, they have debt, they aren't smart enough, they lost money, they made some bad choices, they haven't cleaned out the garage or refinished the deck, they don't have a retirement fund, they haven't saved the world or been another's everything, they aren't happy enough, they have a health condition, they have a bad habit or addiction, they don't have all the answers, they feel needy, they can't solve a problem, they don't have friends, they don't have it all together, they have been abused, they came from poverty, they've been divorced, they have more than one father for their children, they have a mental illness, they have a temper, they've had negative feelings like anger or bad thoughts, they made big mistakes, they didn't do well in school, they have a learning disability, they aren't attractive enough, they self-harmed ...
Oh my, the list of reasons we deny ourselves love and acceptance, is exhaustive.
If being hard on ourselves and denying ourselves compassion and love improved our lives I'd be all for it
But it doesn't long term, and if it does improve it to some extent short term, long haul it comes at a very high cost, it steals our energy, brings pain and suffering, and distracts us from living the mindful full joyful life we came to live.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Want more support in releasing your fears, blocks, and judgments? Scroll to the bottom for links to this week's latest, Break Free, Healing Love and YouTube Shorts
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Request a free no-obligation consultation and mini-hypnosis session to explore and experience how hypnosis can positively improve your life.

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Master Your Mind, Break Free: Self Hypnosis Breathing Technique

YouTube Shorts
