"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
When you're not feeling good about yourself gift yourself gentle kind tender thoughts like you might for a child or friend.
When you meet yourself with unconditional love, relief comes, it opens the door for more positive thoughts, creates an optimum state to receive and for positive growth to happen."
The Joy Energy

I try not to add fuel to the fire when my inner critic or worst fears show up.
I know if I do things will only get worse and lead me further astray.
When I mentally beat up on myself and feel bad it breeds procrastination and bad habits and takes me away from moving toward my goals and how I want to live my life.
If I step back before they take hold and imagine I am a loving friend talking to myself instead I often can get relief and start to see things from a softer loving perspective
As the imagined loving friend I might remind myself:
- You are just a human. And that's enough!
- You weren't assigned to play the role of God/Higher Power/Source and you aren't supposed to be all-knowing or omnipotent. You're supposed to be just a human.
- You're not supposed to have it all together or all figured out. That's OK!
- You will mess up, and make mistakes. That's OK.
- You will have human feelings, like anger, fear, and sadness. Negative feelings are normal and temporary. They don't mean you are defective and they are not a statement of your worthiness. They are your beautiful guidance.
- You need things, like oxygen, food, water, purposefulness, love, and connection. It is normal to be needy. Feeling needy isn't an indicator that anything is wrong.
- You will have things you still want and still want to manifest that you haven't. Not having them now doesn't mean you're not worthy or don't count. And it doesn't mean they aren't coming.
- Source/God/Universe/ Divine wants you to thrive, wants life to go well for you, and is there for you.
- You are opening up to this higher power by giving yourself these gentle, kind, encouraging, hopeful, and loving thoughts. And that's enough.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Latest Joyshot-Accept You're just human, it can set you free, and help you live a happier life

Go to my youtube channel Svenson Hypnosis to listen to the latest Joyshot, short videos to nurture your positive mindset along with other supportive videos, like the hypnosis meditation Go Deep With Sleep
YouTube channel SvensonHypnosis

Let Me Customize A Mastery Of Joy Package Just For You! One that fits your time availability, budget, and goals

Testimonial for the Positive Mindset For Your Child & Teen Package
"... My children are reaping with benefits ...
Before I felt as if we were surviving as a family and now I see such a difference.
My children are laughing and succeeding with academics and sports and relationships in their lives.
I can honestly say I now have a healthy home and family and I couldn’t be prouder and appreciative of our accomplishments...
Thanks to Sharon ... Truly amazing ..." Amy Leslie

We can meet once a month, twice a month, or weekly.
Consistency is key to creating positive transformation!
We can meet for 30, 45, 60, 90, or 120-minute sessions.
Let's design a package that supports you, given your time availability, budget, and goals

- Packages give you way more value for your money than individual sessions, Mastery of Joy Package clients get bonuses, like free attendance to Master Classes, Courses, and my Membership
- When you commit to the process I can give you more support and we can build on your successes, speeding up your transformations
- Packages allow us to be more johnny on the spot. We can address issues as they crop up, so things don't escalate out of control, and we take advantage of the opportunities that arise while it's hot and ripe for change
Packages allow us to dive in way deeper and holistically address the issues, improving many other areas in your life, and pulling up the roots, so one bad habit isn't replaced with another
Testimonial for Release Bad Habits & Addictions Package
Lisa was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, and sneaking drinks. Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out. She lost her job because she was drunk at work. And she could no longer drive because of a DUI ...
She was in a very low place in her life...
Listen to the miraculous changes that unfolded for her during the year and a half I worked with her.
Full Audio Testimonial Series
Let's Get You Going And Design The Package That's Right For You!
Email me and request a time we can chat
