Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

"If you get caught up in drama or swept up in outside conditions that feel fearful, welcome to the human race. But don't stay there, refocus. Tap into the beauty and wisdom within by looking for softer thoughts that make you feel better. "
The Joy Energy

I have seen, again and again, feeling good is the most powerful path you can take.

When I take moments here and there to ask myself the question, "Is watching, reading, or thinking about this, directing my thoughts to good feelings or fearful feelings?" If the answer is fearful, as I'm able I stop and redirect.

I can get fixated in a bad way. For instance, when we were looking for answers for my husband's sudden loss of movement on his left side, this past year, I found myself googling the possibilities the doctors were testing for. As I read about spinal strokes and tumors I could feel my muscles tighten up, and my thoughts began to race from one fearful thought to another. I stopped. I was doing no one any good.

Instead, I redirected my thoughts to ones that made me feel good. For instance, he has good insurance, he is improving, we like this new doctor, our neighbors have been so supportive and helpful. All true things.

I started feeling hopeful and optimistic. This was good for me and encouraging for my husband to see me believe in answers and see his condition as temporary. I was able to focus on joyfully being present for the day and living my life.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


Mastery of Joy Packages



Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America