"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Do an inventory of your made-up rules, and ask yourself are they working for me or against me? If they aren't blessing you, make up another rule to follow instead that blesses your life?
The Joy Energy

I brought forward many rules I had learned during my childhood into adulthood.
Some served me and some did not.
I got rid of the rule I had to eat everything that was served me from my plate. What a relief to follow my own guidance instead. I learned to ask myself "Am I still hungry or have I had enough to eat? A rule that served me way better.
Another rule I'd been raised with is that you came out of your bedroom dressed and ready to do chores.
Overall I think this rule has served me.
I'm rarely caught out in my robe if someone pops by early. And it helps me get revved up and going for the day. I had raised my kids this way too.
One morning my youngest daughter in high school at the time came out still dressed in her PJ'S.
She grabbed her backpack and said she was off for her school's field trip.
I was horrified.
But after she challenged my rule, saying other kids wore their pajamas on bus rides all the time, I thought about it.
I finally came to the conclusion it really wasn't a big deal.
PJs could be washed just as easily as day clothes, and it allowed her to be comfy for the long bus ride ahead.
After that, I loosened up. I sometimes allow myself to lounge about in my PJs and robe on those mornings when I can afford to.
Below are some rules clients changed.
Following the original rule brought pressure and stress
The new rule lifted the pressure and stress and worked way better for them
"I cook and do everything for the holiday meals. It is up to me to make sure all my guests are happy and taken care of " to
"I let others chip in and help me out. I let others be in charge of their own happiness."
"I need to get all my holiday cards out by November" to
"I get my cards out sometime by the end of January."
"We have to celebrate the holiday on the appointed day otherwise I'm sad." to
" We celebrate holidays on a day that makes sense and works for everyone."
"I have to cook a certain type of meal for each holiday because it's tradition."
"I relax and cook something nice that works for my budget and energy. Family members are welcome to bring a dish they want to have and share."
We get to follow the rules that make sense and bless our lives.
I invite you to explore new rules you might create to replace outdated rules that don't bless your life.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Let Go, Find Peace- A simple way to release the pressure and stress

Release the pressure and stress.
A simple way to inner peace is to let go of the made-up rules that don't work, plus, life will work better Be guided into this hypnosis meditation to release your attachment to patterns of thought that bring you pain and suffering.
Why put it off any longer? Get The Profound Change You Desire. Commit To You
Not only will you be blessed by being happier, healthier, and making more positive choices, but those around you will be blessed by the healthier happier you too. Be The Change You Want For Others

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