"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
There are all kinds of reasons to feel cheated, sad, or like a victim, but feeling good feels way better. Explore looking for thoughts instead that make you feel blessed, joyfully present, and joyfully expectant. It will be so worth it, not only for how good it will make you feel but for the positive results it will bring."
The Joy Energy

I had a client who had just about given up when she came to me.
At one time she said she had been a powerhouse, living an engaging joyful full life.
But now she was low-energy and pessimistic.
She shared her very serious health issues and told me about the many limitations she had, and all the things she couldn't do.
Like, she could no longer travel and have the adventures she loved. She couldn't work anymore, or pursue her hobbies or follow her passions. Her doctors' prognoses - she only had a few years to live.
She said she couldn't muster up the energy to take care of herself, like drinking the nutritional shakes or using the pap machine her doctors had said were essential.
Living a healthy lifestyle had been a big part of her life at one time, but now she found following through with the things she knew would help, just felt like too much.
There was no doubt she had lots of good reasons to feel bad. But fixating on them just wasn't serving her. It was keeping her homebound, zapping her will to live, and closing her off from life.
I asked her "Are you willing to feel alive again, to bring back adventure, purpose, and joy, despite your health conditions?
At first, she argued it wasn't possible, but eventually relented that if it was possible she would like to feel good again.
In waking hypnosis, I guided her to draw from her past and remember what had given her feelings of being awake and happy to be alive.
I directed her to relive memories of feeling capable, creative, and resourceful.
She tapped into the good feelings she had experienced in the past and felt them again.
Ideas of things she could do started flowing.
She shared ways she could help and give to her family and friends using her gifts and talents.
Ideas came for mini-adventures she could have in the town where she lived.
I guided her into deep hypnosis, to release the heaviness and old stories from the past, to let go of fighting against what she had no control over, to remember the joyful capable being she really was, and then to imagine the possibilities she could create.
She came back into her conscious state and looked like a completely different person-light, free, and glad to be alive.
By the time we finished working together in our Mastery of Joy Package, she had created a very different life.
She became a mentor to several young women and started doing her part-time business again.
She had the energy and desire now to follow up with medical recommendations and follow through with the herbal remedies she really believed in and that felt right to her.
At the last session of our package, she said her body felt pretty comfortable, she could move around fairly easily, and now had the strength to do stuff, like moving boxes, doing chores, cooking, and taking walks.
At this writing she is years past the few years the doctors had given her to live.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Sessions In-Office, By Phone, Or Online Mastery of Joy Packages
 Request a free no-obligation consultation and mini-hypnosis session to explore and experience how hypnosis can positively improve your life. Just text, or call 208 860-7811 and leave a message. Or email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
Unlock Inner Joy During Times Of Grief, Loss, And Unwanted Change Guided 10-minute Hypnosis Meditation

Want more support in letting go and feeling good? October has a bonanza of good things.
Enjoy the hypnosis meditation You Are Enough and this week's latest YouTube shorts.
Join me online in Calling You To Joy Free Online Love & Support- 11 & 22-minute Hypnosis Meditations, Sundays and Wednesdays, in the month of October. Scroll below for details
- Request a free no-obligation consultation and mini-hypnosis session to explore and experience how hypnosis can positively improve your life. Just text, or call 208 860-7811 and leave a message. Or email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
Calling You To Joy Free Online Support During The Month Of October
Join Me on Zoom on Wednesdays & Sundays for Love & Support
Start Your Day Off With Positive Momentum Every Sunday and Wednesday in the month of October

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Sunday's Call To Joy 9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT, 12 pm EST
Wednesday's Call To Joy 6 am PT, 7 am MT, 8 am CT, 9 am EST
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