In This Newsletter
Joy Message
Join The Joy Space- Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset
Free Gift, Release The Mental Junk, available for a limited time
New Year Mastery of Joy Package Specials, good until Jan. 15th
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"If you're feeling bad about something in the past, take the time to find softer lighter thoughts instead. It will be worth it for the better feeling you get and for the positive results it leads to." The Joy Energy
I worked with a client who had doubts about an operation he'd had, and wondered if he had made the right choice. This brought unsettled and unsafe feelings in him.
When he focused on these worries, he found his body tensed up, he felt more pain, he had trouble focusing on tasks at hand, and it made him think of other things in his life he felt unsure or uncertain about.
This line of thinking wasn't blessing his life.
I asked if he'd like to feel good instead? He said, "yes, as long as it doesn't stop me from taking care of myself." I reminded him feeling good hasn't led him to be complacent or block him from taking action but the opposite. He thought about it and agreed that was very true.
In hypnosis, I suggested, since the deal was done, there was no going back, and that if he was going to make things up about the outcome he might as well make up a good result, so he could be present for his life and optimistic for the future.
Feeling good is an ideal state for your body to heal. A relaxed state will give you a more comfortable body. And positive expectations can lead to clarity, inspired actions, and enjoyment of the now.
The next week he reported he felt good about the operation, his body felt better than it had in a long time and he had got lots done, and enjoyed his week.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Join The Joy Space

Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset.
Joy Messages posted weekly along with 3-4 live joy shots, short videos to inspire and uplift
"I am loving your live joyshots you're doing, and find them so helpful." Member
Free Hypnosis Gift, Release The Mental Junk
Available for a limited time

One client just shared, "I've been listening to it every night, sometimes more than once ... " despite the challenges she is facing she expressed " I'm waking up happy, excited for my day... I'm finding I am more positive ... "
New Mastery of Joy Package For the Busy Soul
New Year Specials

Testimonials for the Mastery of Joy Package
"... Wow, I need to thank you for EVERYTHING..! This week has been the BEST week ever ... I haven’t cried or given much thought to my ex. …Life has put a smile on my face and I am so grateful for EVERYTHING... Thank You” for helping my life move forward. I can’t help but brag about you all the time. THANK YOU..!!!!! … "
Cortney Neilsen
Boise, ID
“I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary of quitting smoking, and subsequently, drinking alcohol. ..., I can see the changes in my life since I ... decided to see what Svenson Hypnosis had to offer, smoking cessation ... being the tip of the iceberg. One of the most powerful tools Sharon gave me ... was the process of changing my story to change my life. When I would tell the story of my life, it was from a victim’s perspective ... She dared me to change and stuck with me while I fought the process. She dared me to say, ‘what if?’ The ‘what if’ has turned in to a Master Degree and a teaching job working with middle school students. I know my positive expectations and perspective rubs off on my students ... Every corner of my life has been improved and keeps getting better…”
Cara Mosdale
Lake Tahoe, CA
"... I wanted to quit smoking and have better relationships ... [plus] I was becoming violently ill with foods, foods I loved to enjoy... I stopped smoking ... [I'm not] ... ... emotionally attached to cigarettes... [anymore] I enjoy all foods ... I am healthy and absorb the nutrients from foods that before I couldn’t. I am full of energy and ... wellness ... I have the best relationships with family and friends... Before I felt as if we were surviving as a family and now I see such a difference. My children are laughing and succeeding with academics and sports and relationships ... ... I now have a healthy home and family ... Thanks to Sharon I have an abundance of health, wealth, & happiness ... this is the life I have been craving ... It is an amazing ... to be so happy and appreciate life. Thank you, Sharon"
Amy Leslie
Horseshoe Bend, ID