In This Newsletter
Joy Message
Free Gift, Release The Mental Junk, available for a limited time
New Year Mastery of Joy Package Specials, good until Jan. 15th
Discover What You Want Workshop- For Entrepreneurs
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Refresh yourself with positive thoughts. Take the time to feel good not only because it feels good, but it creates new positive patterns of thought, which will attract other positive thoughts, and bring more joyful manifestations. " The Joy Energy
This morning I wanted to feel the energy of kindness.
A memory of my Dad came when years ago he gifted me a used car.
At the time I didn't have one because mine had been totaled and I didn't have the funds to replace it.
And because it turned out to be my best car ever, many beautiful emotions were attached to that memory. Like feelings of reliability and never getting stuck, comfort and ease, the freedom to go places and do things, a sense of things working out even if when I don't know how, and of being richly supported and provided for.
That filled me with excitement and eagerness for my day. And already some lovely surprises have unfolded for me, like an unexpected visit with a friend, and possibilities of more money flowing in.
Try it. Think of an emotion you'd like to feel.
Maybe a feeling like- playful, supported, loved, confident, wise, blessed, prosperous, or another good feeling.
Take a moment to think of a time you felt that feeling and then imagine feeling it. When you feel it, take a moment to savor it and breathe the good feeling into all the cells of your body.
If no memories come to mind or you're not able to feel the emotion you want to feel, welcome to the human race. That probably means you could use some practice, possibly have some old patterns of negative thinking that conflict, and need to prove to yourself it is safe to feel good.
Start instead with, the declaration that you are open, willing, and desire to feel good. Remind yourself feeling good works better, feels better, and is a beautiful open state to attract answers, solutions, clarity, and other good feelings.
Then pick out the feeling you'd like to feel- blessed, prosperous, playful, confident ... ) And leave it at that. Just like you might put in an order at a restaurant and then trust it will come. You have put in your order to the Universe/God/Higher Power.
Then, often in meditation, hypnosis, driving, walking, or doing something that distracts your analytical mind and old ways of negative thinking, it can come unexpectedly. Don't worry if it takes time to get the positive feelings flowing, that is so normal, so human.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Free Hypnosis Gift, Release The Mental Junk
Available for a limited time
"This audio was amazing... Today, I threw away a 39-gallon trash can of junk..." Francine Juhlin
Think of an emotion you'd like to feel.
Maybe a feeling like- playful, supported, loved, confident, wise, blessed, prosperous, or another good feeling.
Take a moment to think of a time you felt that feeling and then imagine feeling it. When you feel it, take a moment to savor it and breathe the good feeling into all the cells of your body.
If no memories come to mind or you're not able to feel the emotion you want to feel, no big deal.
It usually takes practice.
Start instead with, the declaration that you are open, willing, and desire to feel this good feeling (playful, blessed, prosperous... ) And leave it at that.
Then, often in meditation, hypnosis, driving, walking, or doing something that distracts your analytical mind and old ways of negative thinking, it will come unexpectedly.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Free Hypnosis Gift, Release The Mental Junk
Available for a limited time "This audio was amazing... Today, I threw away a 39-gallon trash can of junk..." Francine Juhlin
New Mastery of Joy Package For the Busy Soul
New Year Specials
" Wow!!! ... {The Mastery of Joy} Package has been phenomenal ... I ... had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" ... My relationships with family members have ... improved ... It is good to be alive again and wake up with a smile on my face! ... I am totally amazed ... all that has happened to me through Sharon's ... Package! ... "
Marie McLaughlin, Garden Valley, Idaho
For Coaches, Healers, Entrepreneurs struggling to set goals and follow through with them led by my friend, Carol Williams, 6 figure coach, and productivity guru.
A beautiful companion program to my Mastery of Joy Packages and Joyshops, where I lay the foundational abundance thinking (Clearing the Past, Soaking up Law of Attraction Principles/Living Mindfully in the Present/Expecting Positive Things) Carol deep dives into this area. Click on the link below to learn more.
Discover What You Really Want Workshop
