"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

Feeling good feels good and connects you to the Divine, where you are wrapped in love, know your part to play, and can easily say no to what feels wrong. It allows you to follow your wisdom, say yes to what resonates, and move past your fears and limiting beliefs. But you need to be willing to feel good, no matter what, and say yes to what will take you there."

The Joy Energy 

Navigating Others' Suffering, Disapproval, or Neediness

Do you ever get sidetracked by others' suffering, disapproval, or neediness? I do. Despite knowing that feeling good feels good and works better for me and those around me, I can still get swept up into negativity.

I can feel bad simply because others feel bad.

When others are disappointed or mad at me, I can feel rejected, spiraling into a negative tailspin.

Imagining that others disapprove of me because I'm not meeting their expectations—or because I feel I've let them down—can leave me feeling inadequate.

Others' neediness, whether they seek my help or not, can create immense internal pressure as I take on the responsibility to make everything better, even when I don't have the time, money, or answers.

I've suffered a lot in the past because of this, taking wrong turns, making poor choices, and cutting myself off from my well-being. I've said yes when I should have said no, and I've let my fears get the better of me.

And I bet you've had moments like these too. It's so natural to want things to go well for yourself while also wanting others to thrive and feel good.

What I have learned is that if I don't catch my negative thoughts quickly, they can escalate and take on a life of their own, making it impossible to access my wisdom and loving thoughts.

That's why I love the self-hypnosis breathing techniques I offer, like the Calm Breath. These techniques help me detach from negativity and bring in relief and softer, lighter feelings. They provide the platform I need to access loving perspectives and positive trains of thought.

These self-hypnosis techniques allow me to detach from my negative thoughts, no matter how intense they are.

When I stop and use one of my self-hypnosis techniques, they never fail me. They always bring relief. How beautiful that help and relief are always there.

But I have to be willing to feel good. If I can remember that feeling good feels good and works better, that can give me the hope to make the effort even when I don't feel like it. I have to make feeling good my priority, even though my negative thoughts can be so persuasive and call me to feed them even more.

Sometimes it might take 10, 30, or even 60 minutes to bring in the calm, especially if I have let my negativity soar unchecked for hours or even a day. Sometimes the relief lasts for only a few hours or half a day. No worries, I just do it again and again as needed.

These techniques are here for you too, and they're free to learn with no side effects.

If I catch my negativity fast, it might take only a few seconds or a minute or two to come back to a feel-good state.

If you'd like to use the Calm Breath or Sigh Breath to feel good fast, check out my two new playlists of self-hypnosis tutorials that take less than 60 seconds to watch:

Calm Breath- Get Relief Fast

Sigh Breath- Bring in the joyful energies 

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment. Not only will it feel good, but it will lead to joyful manifestations."


 P.S. Hypnosis sessions are a powerful and beautiful method for creating positive change effortlessly and easily. 

Do you have goals like - improving your health, stressing less, feeling purposeful and clear-minded, or releasing a bad habit or addiction? Schedule a free consultation. Find out how a Mastery Of Joy Package can help you. Email or text: svensonhypnosis@gmail.com 
or 208 860-7811 to schedule your consultation.


Mastery of Joy packages

Let Me Customize A Package Just For You
One that respects your time availability, budget, and goals

" ... Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" ... " Marie McLaughlin

" ... 
She helped me see ... That ... I did not have to be swayed or damaged by whatever anyone else threw my way...  I felt I had a kind of bubble around me. I was still fully present but I didn’t feel triggered when things didn’t go my way. Working with Sharon is transformative ... I feel better and stronger and kinder and I am grateful for the help." Molly Connolly

"... That was the last cigarette puff I have ever taken. I am “not a smoker”.  Unlike in past experiences, trying to quit, I never crave a cigarette or dream of one... I could not help but return ... to see what else I could gain.  The beautiful tools, like 'imagining good things' ... 'being mindful' ... 'letting your thoughts be ok', ... have worked to enhance ... my life ..." Kathy Vaughan

Schedule a Free Consultation And Learn More About A Mastery Of Joy Package   Get your questions answered, see if I'm a good fit, and find out the different ways we can work together that fit your budget, time, and goals.

Email me @ svensonhypnosis@gmail.com or text me @ 208 860-7811 and we'll schedule a call that works for both of us.

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America