Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Don't fool yourself into believing relaxing and feeling good is a hard path to take. Feeling miserable is a hard path to take. It feels bad and makes life a struggle." The Joy Energy

Many a client has expressed relaxing and feeling good is hard to do.
And I get that, I've felt that way at times too. Like, when yet again a negative thought shows up. And I think, really, I have to do this again, I thought I'd already figured this out.
But I know I am fooling myself into thinking staying in the negativity is going to serve me and be easier.
I know stopping to take the time to look for the softer lighter perspective will be the easier path to take.
What is hard is beating up on yourself when you don't feel good. That feels awful.
Or negatively judging yourself for making mistakes or having negative thoughts. That feels awful.
Or stubbornly holding on to excuses about why feeling bad and being tense is better than relaxing and feeling good.
Worrying about the future, stressing over what you can't control, negatively judging yourself and others is a hard way of thinking and a hard life to live.
Truly no matter your reasons, choosing softer lighter thoughts will be the easier path to take.
Feeling good feels good! Feeling good feels light, effortless, and easy.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Or go direct to my website to learn more about me, read testimonials, purchase a session or package.
The Joy Space- Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset. New Joyshots- short inoculations of love, either a meditation or self-hypnosis tutorial posted every week.