Joy Message Flash Sale Ends tomorrow on Mastery of Joy Packages
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Appreciating feels good and gives you more of what you want ." The Joy Energy

I have gone to unappreciation lots of times, complaining about something my spouse is doing wrong, doing an inventory of all the ways my mother failed me, looking at what hasn't worked out for me, noticing what I don't like or what I don't have yet.
And many have encouraged me in my complaints and joined in with their own complaints.
I think most of us have been trained up to be critical of ourselves, others, conditions ... with mistaken good intentions- we want to protect ourselves and others, boost ourselves up, motivate ourselves to make good choices, create positive change and make things better.
And even if judging and complaining do work to some extent, it comes at too high of a price- misery and more misery.
Appreciation is a more powerful and beautiful way to achieve those same goals.
When we appreciate we are in joyful flow state. This is the place we are inspired, have more to give, are connected with that Higher Power/Spirit/God/Source, and have the resources, love, and support of the Universe available to us.
I'm pleased to say in comparison to years ago, I appreciate a lot more of the time.
For instance, when I started to change how I looked at my childhood and looked to appreciate instead I found hidden gems surface. Beautiful memories that felt playful, loving, and supportive. Just how I want to feel.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Flash Sale on Mastery of Joy Packages ends tomorrow
Save 960 dollars or 4802 dollars
Imagine how much more is possible for you
Lisa's life was spiraling out of control
When Lisa came to me, she was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, sneaking drinks. Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out unless she stopped drinking. She lost her job because she was drunk at work. Got a DUI and was facing jail time, and loss of her license.
Listen to her audio testimonial on how she turned things around in the Year-Long Mastery of Joy Package
Lisa's Testimonial

The Joy Space- Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset. New Joyshots- short inoculations of love, either a meditation or self-hypnosis tutorial posted every week.