Hello, Beautiful Sharon

"If you have dark secrets, things you're ashamed of, things you did or said you're not proud of, or things others did or said to you that brings you shame or feelings of unworthiness, welcome to the human race. Know you're completely and totally accepted and loved by God/Source/The Benevolent and Loving Universe."

The Joy Energy

Shame, blame, guilt, regret, feeling not good enough, or feeling that something is wrong with you, if held on to, can bring results of loneliness, mental anguish, deprivation, and suffering. This can lead to more negative feelings along with unhealthy choices and actions.

When you give yourself kindness and love instead, you receive the energy of love that feeds your best self and brings you more love and support.

Start by recognizing your negative thoughts or feelings and meet them with love.

Let the negative thoughts and feelings be heard as needed but with the strong intention to feel better and a willingness to redirect them to different lighter perspectives.

Look for the lightest perspectives or thoughts you can find. Practice again, and again, and again, and again, and again and again and again. 

Why? Because it will make your life work better, lead you to more inspired actions and choices, make you happier, and lead to more joyful ripples in others' lives too.

For example, a veteran I worked with in hypnosis sessions had shame and regret for actions they made in combat.

When they released the shame and regret by looking at things from different perspectives in hypnosis, it freed them of physical pain they'd been suffering with for decades.

They shared how over time, unhealthy relationships began to disappear from their life and were replaced with healthy, nurturing, supportive ones instead. The ripple effects continued, they spent less time on drama and trying to solve or fix others' problems, and more on enjoying their projects and passions, and empowering and uplifting others as a teacher, mentor, and guide.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


Mastery of Joy Packages

Mental Well-Being

Health Improvement & Pain Issues

Bad Habits & Addictions

Body Image, Self-Care & Love


Success, Goals & Big Dreams

Explorations & Higher States

Want to chat about working with me? Email me


and we'll set up a time.

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America