"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Feel the promise of a clean slate in the now moment. It doesn't matter if you were or are sad, discouraged, frustrated, angry, scared, or fearful, that can change. You have a new now moment. If you want to feel good no matter what and have life go better for you, choose softer lighter thoughts. In the feelings of love and appreciation, you connect with God/Source/Universe. Connected to the Divine you are backed up by infinite love, peace, support, and joyful abundance.
The Joy Energy

Even though I know feeling good feels good, is a beautiful state for my body to heal, is an allowing state to receive and connect with God/Source/Universe, and just plain overall works better, I forget to go there.
It isn't unusual that I forget to choose thoughts that make me feel good, daily.
But it turns out that turning it around can be effortless and easy. Especially if I catch it early and I don't make feeling bad a big deal.
I find if I leave behind the analysis and negative judgments and bring my sense of humor and playfulness I can find lighter softer thoughts pretty quickly.
I invite you to let it be OK if you go to feelings of sadness, lack, anger, frustration, and negative judgments and love yourself anyway. Try not to make it a big deal or a statement of your worthiness.
But don't stop there, instead of dissecting, justifying, or explaining why you're going to those negative thoughts, explore a different happy topic you really do want to give your time and attention to.
And if you're looking for clarity, you'll find it will come when you're in that feel-good state.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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Let Go, Find Peace- A simple way to release the pressure and stress

Release the pressure and stress.
A simple way to inner peace is to let go of the made-up rules that don't work, plus, life will work better Be guided into this hypnosis meditation to release your attachment to patterns of thought that bring you pain and suffering.
Why put it off any longer? Get The Profound Change You Desire
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Not only will you be blessed by being happier, healthier, and making more positive choices, but those around you will be blessed by the healthier happier you too. Be The Change You Want For Others

What is more important than your Health & Wellbeing? You Count!
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