"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

You are called to feel good. When you feel good it feels right, because you have come home to who you are, a joyful soul.  Feeling good opens the portal to God/Universe where you live in a supported loving state. Feeling good is a feeling, like appreciation and feeling blessed. It doesn't come from a generous action, thinking a positive thought, saying a positive mantra, or voicing uplifting words, unless those actions, thoughts, mantras, or words connect you to well-being feelings. 

 The Joy Energy

Why bother feeling good? Because feeling good feels good. And that in itself is enough.

But it also connects us to the Great Spirit/Divine Energy/Love Energy/The Benevolent Generous And Loving Universe/Source/God/Allah.

Whatever your label for this expansive beautiful supportive, loving energy, it is a vibration/energy/feeling of wellbeing.

Feeling good does
 not come from a generous action, positive thought, mantra, or uplifting word but it might.

You can do a generous action but do it from resentment, bitterness, pity, superiority, or martyrdom.

You can think positive thoughts of appreciation but feel empty, disconnected, and focused on lack.

You can do mantras, say uplifting words, and connect with bad feelings.

When you recognize it is the feeling of feeling good you want to go to you'll become more aware of when you're not.

We don't need to pretend we don't feel what we feel. It's helpful information.

As you become more aware

Maybe you notice when you're reciting your blessings off mindlessly like a grocery store list expecting to feel better and can feel there is no appreciation or good feelings you're going to.

Or maybe you catch yourself when you're taking an action, like helping someone out or giving a gift, but you notice you're not doing it from the energy of love but from a sense of obligation or the desire to be loved or accepted.

Or maybe you start to notice when you say positive thoughts like I feel happyThings always work out for me, and I am so blessed and you really feel sad, a sense of doom, or a feeling of lack of something missing.

Don't beat up on yourself when you do notice, this helpful information.

Welcome to the human race. Negative emotions really aren't negative.

Meet the information with excitement and love. It will help guide you to the feelings of well-being you desire.

Our negative emotions are our beautiful guidance, guiding us to our wisdom, well-being, and joy.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


If you want more support in feeling good, check out all the possibilities 

Expand Your Beliefs and Embrace Joy Guided Hypnosis Meditation

Expand your beliefs and embrace joy in this guided hypnosis meditation with the power of The Calm breath, a self-hypnosis breathing technique

Focus on following the breathing in the background and let the suggestions effortlessly soak in, and the resistance and limiting beliefs effortlessly release

If you're new to doing The Calm Breath it might feel awkward or uncomfortable but eventually, with practice it will feel natural and easy

The Calm Breath is particularly good for clearing out the mental junk of your mind, letting go of limiting beliefs that hold you back, and opening yourself up to joyfully receive all the goodness life has to offer.

Gift Certificates For The Holidays Now Available

Give the gift of Health, Wellbeing, & Peace
Holiday Special Prices
3 Certificates To Choose From- Snowflake, Snowperson, Christmas Tree
Delivered The Same Day You Purchase, Or The Day Of Your Choice

 Gift Certificate Holiday Special 60-Minute Session

Gift Certificate Holiday Special 90-Minute Session


Free Live Online Support  22-minute Call To Joy every Sunday

Release fears and blocks

Click on this link to Sign Up To Attend Calling You To Joy 

You will get an email reminder and link to join an hour before

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What is more important than your Health & Wellbeing? 

Check Out The Package Options Available On My Website. Like the

Year-Long Mastery of Joy Package - Once A Month Ninety-Minute Sessions

3- Month Mastery of Joy Package 4 Monthly Ninety Minute Sessions


Request a free no-obligation consultation and mini-hypnosis session to explore and experience how hypnosis can positively improve your life.

Text, or call 208 860-7811 and leave a message to book your no-obligation consultation.

Or email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com

Consultations by Phone, Online, Or In-Office


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America