Joy Message Free Self-Hypnosis Tutorial Mastery of Joy Package April Special Mastery of Joy Packages- just a few more days for 15 or 20 % off prices
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Take the time to still your mind as soon as you feel a cloudiness, heaviness, or contraction come, not only will it feel good, but when done, again and again, it will bring you answers, support, ideas, and love." The Joy Energy

I could feel it coming on, agitation. My forehead was starting to feel tight.
But I just wanted to figure out how to access my photos on my computer, maybe if I just kept going I would figure it out.
I knew better, my body was contracting and my brain was fixating on the problem, and not in a good way.
I know from past experiences that when I keep moving forward when tension is building, it escalates and the tightness spreads, first to my facial muscles, then to my neck, and shoulders. Plus, my mind wasn't going to an optimum state for problem-solving. I felt agitated and confused.
I walked away from it, took some deep breaths, and used the self-hypnosis tool I teach to others.
After less than a few minutes, I was feeling much lighter and clearer.
From there I took my dog outside for a short walk.
When I came back from the walk I felt fresh and had an idea to try. Within a few minutes, I had it figured out. Yay.
In the past, I might have stayed at it, and created more problems by randomly trying different things. Or maybe I would have taken a carb or sugar break, or escaped with book or Netflix series instead of figuring out how to do something I really wanted to be able to do.
If you'd like to learn self-hypnosis or reinforce the tool to center yourself, listen to this short tutorial at my youtube channel, SvensonHypnosis
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
"... Nothing was giving me relief except the medication that left me with stomach problems and a drugged feeling. Hypnosis changed my life in a number of ways. My objective was to help relieve pain I was having in my spine. I started to see results after my first visit. As I continued the results grew stronger and stronger. The first thing I noted I was not thinking about the pain so much. These were the building blocks I needed to progress away from an ‘incurable illness’..."Dan WilsonIn other words, we don't have to wait until the problem was solved or the unwanted condition changed to feel softer lighter feelings, but with the softer lighter feelings came the positive changes"I am into my second Three Month ... Package and I am so grateful ... I ... feel a positive shifting at my core and a release from self-judgment ... eating junk food, mindlessly watching TV, ... procrastinating on projects, ... I am doing things instead that feel good ... organizing my kitchen cabinets, taking a sculpture class ... exploring my city, going on joyful adventures with my son, taking a mini-vacation with my husband... I have more energy now doing what really feels good. I am experiencing more and more joy in my life... " Lynda Modaff
"I ... came to Sharon to be less controlling and free myself of expecting the worst... Leaving behind fears and worries ... changed everything... Family relationships are better. Instead of feeling guilty, fearful or critical, I ... support and love them ... with results of ... more peace... and ... healthier boundaries. ... " Donna Sevilla

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Lisa's life was spiraling out of control
When Lisa came to me, she was drinking all day long, hiding bottles, sneaking drinks.
Her boyfriend had threatened to kick her out unless she stopped drinking.
She lost her job because she was drunk at work.
Listen to how her life dramatically and positively changed