In this email
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Fixating on what is wrong, no matter how justified, whether it's about yourself, others, or situations, zaps your joy, drains your energy, and can lead to the opposite of the results you want, to create a happier better life for yourself or others."
The Joy Energy
Fixating on what is wrong with the world, others or yourself is exhausting.
Even if you are coming from a well-meaning place.
One client said she worried about the things going on in the world she didn't like because she wanted to make a better place for her kids.
But she confessed it led her to be more short-tempered with her kids which brought more tension into their home and often resulted in her doing more escape behaviors like binge eating and drinking.
These behaviors led to feelings of guilt and shame, which could sink her into bouts of depression ...
Yikes, the total opposite of what she wanted, to create a better world for her kids.
Fighting against what you have no power over and hating yourself, others, and circumstances are ineffective ways to bring about change and end up creating more misery.
So what is a better way?
Listen to my latest Joyshot, short videos to nurture your positive mindset.
In this Joyshot, I guide you into a short hypnosis meditation to feel relief, get inspired, and lead you to create the better world you want to live in.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
 Designed and copyrighted by Lynda Modaff
The Joyshot- Get your inoculation of love, short 5-12 minute videos to improve your life

This week's latest Joy Shot
What hypnosis is and what hypnosis isn't- A new free series exploring what hypnosis is and isn't

The latest in the series, What hypnosis is and what hypnosis isn't.
Why people come to a hypnotist and what they can help you with
Amy not only did a Mastery of Joy Package but got Mastery of Joy Packages for her kids
"... My children are reaping with benefits ...
Before I felt as if we were surviving as a family and now I see such a difference.
My children are laughing and succeeding with academics and sports and relationships in their lives.
I can honestly say I now have a healthy home and family and I couldn’t be prouder and appreciative of our accomplish- ments...
Thanks to Sharon ...
Truly amazing Thank you, Sharon"
Amy Leslie Horseshoe Bend, ID
Fast-Forward Your Transformation with One Of The Most Potent Methods AvailableTo Humanity, Hypnosis
3, 6, and 12-month Options
- Mental Well-Being
- Health Improvement & Pain Issues
- Habits & Addictions
- Body Image, Self-Care & Love
- Positive Mindset For Your Child & Teen
- Prosperity, Success, Goals & Dreams