Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"You often don't know how things will turn out. If you're going to imagine the future choose an optimistic viewpoint. It will feel good and allow you to move forward from a centered peaceful state where you can operate at your best."
The Joy Energy

I have caused a lot of pain and suffering for myself over the years, by imagining negative possibilities and as a result, making decisions from a place of fear that usually didn't work out well for me.
One of the tools I teach in my membership, course, and packages is if we're going to make stuff up to use our imagination for good. Not only will it feel good, but it will allow us to operate at our best.
I have proven to myself and seen clients prove to themselves expecting positive things not only alleviates suffering but allows us to be at our best.
For instance, the other day a friend got hurt. He was lying prone on his gravel driveway bleeding from the head, hip angled in an unnatural position.
It would have been easy for me to imagine the worst, be engulfed by fears, and ruminate on unproductive thoughts like "If only this hadn't happened, it might have prevented that ..."
I firmly told myself "No, we aren't going there ... " Yes, I talk to myself in the plural, talking to my negative and positive parts " ... we are going to go to thoughts that allow us to be clear-minded and supportive."
I looked to observe positive things. For instance, I noticed, he is talking, still has his sense of humor, and his eyes look normal ... I bet his head injury turns out to be no big deal. These thoughts brought comfort and optimism. Clarity came. An ambulance needs to be called. Let's support his head, let's get cushions to support his calf ...
When the ambulance folks came, I focused on appreciating these very competent wonderful souls. I noticed their thoroughness, gentleness, and kindness toward this man and his wife. It filled my heart with love. I felt so lucky that we have such skilled folks that serve our small community. These continued positive thoughts allowed me to stay centered and peaceful, so to the best of my abilities, I could be supportive of this friend and his wife.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
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Often times we focus on worst-case possibilities and can work ourselves up into fearful states.
Unfortunately, this feels awful, can bring out our worst self, and compromise our abilities to operate from a clear-minded state.
Be led into a short hypnosis meditation to remind you to look toward the positive and prepare yourself to use your imagination for good.

Get a 90- minute session for the price of a 45-minute session

"Sharon has an incredible gift! In a short period of time, she extracted enough information to identify where I was struggling.
After our initial session, I felt incredibly "free".
I had an intense wave of joyful emotion occur as I felt lighter, stress-free, yet more in control ..."
Crystal D. Smith Jedi Marketing Master
Get a Three-Month Mastery of Joy Package, for over $1200 off Plus, get the 6-Week Joyful Abundance Course for free, a value of $697
And get the 3-Month Payment Plan, for the Same Price, No Interest

- Mental Well-Being
- Health Improvement, Pain Relief
- Positive Parenting and Family Package
- Positive Mindset for your teen or child
- Bad Habits & Addictions
- Body love, Self-Care & Self- Love
- Success, Goals & Big Dreams
- Intuition & inner-guidance development
“I am coming up on my 4-year anniversary of quitting smoking, and subsequently, drinking alcohol. ..., One of the most powerful tools Sharon gave me ... was the process of changing my story to change my life. When I would tell the story of my life, it was from a victim’s perspective ... She dared me to change and stuck with me while I fought the process. She dared me to say, ‘what if?’ The ‘what if’ has turned into a Master's Degree and a teaching job working with middle school students. I know my positive expectations and perspective rub off on my students ... Every corner of my life has been improved and keeps getting better…”
Cara Mosdale Lake Tahoe, CA