In this email
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Give yourself permission to enjoy right now, even if your future feels uncertain, even if problems feel unsolvable, even if the conditions in your life are less than ideal. Not only will it feel good, line you up for more happiness, but it will improve your life."
The Joy Energy

I can get caught up in my to-do list or fixate on concerns and completely miss the many opportunities I have to enjoy my life.
More often I am aware of when I am giving up the pleasure of the now for worries about the future.
As I notice, I redirect to softer lighter thoughts and keep practicing being happier.
And that's what I'd love for you too.
Below are the latest videos in the series The Joy shot and What hypnosis is and what hypnosis isn't.
My hope is these series support you in getting relief, comfort, more happiness, and create more of the life you desire to live.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Fast-Forward Your Transformation with One Of The Most Potent Methods AvailableTo Humanity, Hypnosis
3, 6, and 12-month Options
- Mental Well-Being
- Health Improvement & Pain Issues
- Habits & Addictions
- Body Image, Self-Care & Love
- Positive Mindset For Your Child & Teen
- Prosperity, Success, Goals & Dreams
"One of the most amazing gifts I have created in my life is you, Sharon!! Thank you for the life-changing words you have given me. I don’t even want to consider what my life would be like right now had I not found you!! You’ve made me see clearly and that has helped me make better decisions. I am so happy for all that I have… I am happy where I am… I love you!!"
Cara Mosdale, Lake Tahoe, CA
Email to schedule a time to chat about how hypnosis can help you